‘Dead Letter’ 1997 playtest logs: Session 6 follow-up — Holtkamp’s Story


Date: Mon, Nov 24, 1997 6:05 PM EST
From: SGlancy12
Subj: Asking the hard questions
To: Black, Lundqust, Dee, SGlancy12

Gentlemen, based on Mr. Black’s die rolls (performed by the impartial and benevolent Keeper) the following information was obtained from the prisoner by our “Extractor”

First: Extraction method

The prisoner was subjected to a new variety of “Babble Juice” which the US Army Chemical Corps has been working on for about three years now. Officially designated Lot 49, the Army chemists have nicknamed the new drug “The Confessional.” One of the things holding up perfecting the serum is the lack of field testing on human subjects in the field. Since the Army’s drug doesn’t exist, Delta Green doesn’t exist, and neither does the domestic, unsanctioned covert operation you are currently engaged in, this is a marriage made in heaven. The Army’s chemists will loan out the drug in exchange for a report on its effectiveness.

The “client” is extremely agressive. He has to be kept in full four-point restraints and a muzzle to prevent biting. Right now the USAF MP’s (actually designated Security Police or SP) are treating him like Hannibal Lechter.

The subject was in an extreamly hostile mental state until the babble juice kicked in. Then the subject enters a mental state which, on the EKG, resembles REM sleep, even though the subject remains conscious. The subject, however, appears to be conscious and responds to questions.

The data extracted is as follows:

Confirmed Information

Subject’s name is Eric Holtkamp, born Munich, West Germany 07/30/72

Former West German Army Paratrooper. Dishonorably discharged 05/08/95 due to membership in illegal neo-nazi Volksfrei Party. All record of Holtkamp in Germany stops by 08/09/95. There is no record of Holtkamp emigrating or leaving the country. There is also no further record of Holtkamp maintaining a residence or employment in anywhere in Germany or Western Europe.

Unconfirmed, but Subject believed he was speaking truthfully

Subject claims to have been contacted following his discharge by persons claiming to represent the ODESSA, the Association of Former SS Officers. This unnamed “recruiter” claimed that Holtkamp’s talents could be used to serve Germany and all Germans even if the current government wasn’t serving the Germany. Holtkamp was put in touch with a network of smugglers who arranged for his passage to South America by freighter. He disembarked in Buenos Aires Argentina and was taken by military transport aircraft to a camp in the jungle. The plane’s windows were painted over.

The camp covered several hundred acres, and Holtkamp didn’t see all the facilities. However, there was a military training facility with barracks, obstacle course, airfield, and “Hogan’s Alley” style urban combat firing range. Close to 200 men were training at any given time. Not all those being trained were aryans, some appeared to be of south American or Mid-Eastern background. Holtkamp’s training took six months to complete. During that time, one of his instructors was a man who claimed to be SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny. Skorzeny was an infamous German commando and personal favorite of Adolf Hitler. Skorzeny died in 1967 of spine cancer.

At the end of his training, after the camp had been cleared of all non-Aryans, a special graduation ceremony was held. It was presided over by Oberfuhrer Rienhard Galt, an old man in a wheelchair, and a balding man in long priest’s robes. The ceremony was very much like the Nazi party rallies Holtkamp had seen in old movies. Except that when the ceremony reached its climax a human sacrifice was carried out on a young man. At that point, a man stepped onto the platform. He shone with a halo and crackled with power. Adolf Hitler, or rather, the higher being that had been Adolf Hitler in corporeal life, addressed the crowd and delivered a speach about the Fourth and greatest Reich to come. Those gathered there in that ampitheatre were part of a holy crusade which would elevate the Aryan race to the pinnacle of power. Holtkamp believes 100% that what he saw was indeed the “avatar” of Der Fuhrer.

The current mission was hastliy organized by Oberfuhrer Galt. Noone knew the details of the mission except Galt. Galt deliberately picked men who could not speak english to reduce their ability to pick up details of the mission. But basically it appeared that Galt wanted to see the records of ABC. Once he reviewed the records, he had executed security chief Deschiel and decapitated him. Then Galt cracked Deschiel’s skull open and, following a chanted incantation, ate his brain. Once that happened, Galt knew everything about ABC, the security codes, the layout of the plant, security procedures, everything. Computer records were erased, the security force liquidated, the Sapphire production crew was rounded up and killed, explosives were planted, and a secret lab was discovered. The cammando team rounded up some of the other people who worked at ABC. Two were killed in the lab, one back at his dorm room. One was decapitated and Galt took the head with him. When the MPs raided ABC, one man was detailed to distract the MPs while the commando team made a break for the chopper. When they saw that they were being followed, Galt took the severed head and the black woman and fastlined into the Hungry Horse Reservoir. The rest of the commandos were to make a run for the lear jet and return to South America. Of course you know that didn’t work out.

Be Seeing You


Next: Lundquist’s Notes

Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green.

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