‘PX Poker Night’ Transcript 2

Keeper: Doug Iannelli Lt. Chance Boudreaux: Jared Fialkow Saturday, December 20th, 1997, 0800 hrs. . . Keeper: Like clockwork, as he has done every morning since you’ve been there, the CO has the staff gathered around the dining tables of the Exchange for the daily Captain’
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‘PX Poker Night’ Transcript 1

Keeper: Doug Iannelli Lt. Chance Boudreaux: Jared Fialkow Saturday, December 20th, 1997, 0730 hrs. . . Keeper: It is 0730 hours and cold as hell outside. Another Canadian blew in last night, dropping temperatures to a numbing -15 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind chill factor. With som
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‘PX Poker Night’ Transcripts – Introduction

By Doug Ianelli, (c) 1999 “PX Poker Night” is a scenario written by Delta Green co-author Dennis Detwiller. These files are transcripts from a game based on the scenario, played over the Internet by Jared Fialkow (“Lt. Chance Boudreaux”) and Doug Iannelli (the
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