Open Source Intelligence: Refresher on Tradecraft

Tradecraft refers to the unique set of skills required to conduct successful covert operations without being caught. Spies, criminals, terrorists, and Delta Green operatives must master tradecraft if they want to survive more than one mission. Players who wish to brush up on tradecraf
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The universe's background radiation

Open Sources and Cover-Ups: News of conspiracy and cosmic terror, 2014-05-15

Seen recently at the Delta Green page on Facebook and the Delta Green Mailing List. MAX TEGMARK: IT’S GOODBYE TO THE UNIVERSE – HELLO TO THE MULTIVERSE The last equation. ‘His Mathematical Universe Hypothesis (MUH) states that not only does maths describe the world we live in, i
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The Delta Green Toolkit, version 1.1

By Gil Trevizo, (c) 2001 The following is a list of items that a Delta Green agent might find useful during a Night at the Opera. The list does not include weapons or explosives, though some of these items can be used as such. The list has been created based on posts from the Delta Gr
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