Delta Green Psychological Operations Report, 011932(Z) APR 24

Director, Operation DG RPG continues to hold the attention of niche media and of consumers of conspiracy and tabletop role-playing games, expanding and deepening the pretense of the Program and its activities being works of fiction. I provide here for your reference updates on a few o
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Delta Green’s Worst Fears Return in “The Conspiracy” and “Convergence”

The 1990s sourcebook Delta Green: The Conspiracy and an updated edition of the original Delta Green scenario Convergence have begun appearing on Agents’ doorsteps. Kickstarter backers brought these works out of history into the present. Blame them if you must, but backers are th
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A copy of the hardback Delta Green: The Conspiracy sits in smoky darkness illuminated by twin green spotlights.

The Delta Green Countdown Begins: Update Your Survey by 24 FEB 2023

Delta Green: The Conspiracy and the softcover scenario book, Delta Green: Convergence, have arrived in our US warehouse. BackerKit will be charged on 24 Feb 2023, so read all about the adjustments and options for shipping and update your survey before then.
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Delta Green: The Conspiracy book cover, black fading into a strange green pattern

Delta Green: The Conspiracy seizes your devices in PDF

Evil never dies. Darkness never retreats. In the cracks and the crevices of our society there are monsters undreamed of by the rank and file of humanity. I’ve been there. I’ve seen them. They exist in the spaces between things, in the folds of existence where we can’t find them. Somet
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