Deception is a right. Truth is a privilege. Innocence is a luxury. Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another day — but often at a shattering personal cost.

Operational Intelligence

Our Man in Cameroon

By Konrad Talmont-Kaminski, (c) 2000 The large army helicopter settled with a flurry of leaves and dust in an area cut out of the jungle. All around, the hillside was thickly covered with lush vegetation, verdant branches reaching out blindly into the small clearing. Jumping out of th
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A State of Mind

By Andreas Melhorn, (c) 1999 I’m walking down the corridor. It’s pretty long and has a lot of doors on either side. And it looks like a hospital corridor. They don’t want it to look like that, but it still looks like a hallway in a hospital. I have to admit the look
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Forrest Lawn

By Mark McFadden, (c) 1999 [Exterior. Night] Credits appear during the following sequence. We see an overcast night sky, the moon coyly peeking through ribbons of cloud. The POV pans down to an empty, poorly lit warehouse district. The POV comes to rest on a SECRETIVE MAN in an inexpe
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The Producer

By Mark McFadden, (c) 1999 Tonight we’re going to party like it’s 1999 The party was strictly low rent, hiatus and wannabe. The 70’s were shambling like some rough bell-bottomed beast towards fashion to be reborn. Outside, the surf cheered in waves, like the mob at a
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US Special Operations

By Ken Marien, (c) 1999 “Good morning, agents.” His big, bald head spoke without any emotion whatsoever. “Good morning, sir,” said agent Eric, the funny one. “I have something for you. Something to INVESTIGATE, not TO GET BLOWN INTO PIECES! Got it?”
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Imagery Intelligence