Field Reports and Fan Creations

You DO NOT have permission to use Delta Green, either the trademark or any portion of the property, in any commercial publication or in promotional materials without the express written permission of the Delta Green Partnership.

However, we encourage Delta Green fans to make their own material available on a noncommercial basis. If you follow the rules on this page, you may publish original works related to Delta Green on your personal, noncommercial website, podcast, videos or other media, or on You may not republish work from Delta Green publications or translations of work from Delta Green publications, but please share your own scenarios, monsters, rituals, characters, and streaming or recorded games. We would love to see or hear them. Add them to our promotional portal and we may share them to our social media accounts and website. Arc Dream Promotional Portal


This license applies only to free, noncommercial works. You are free to publish such material as long as there’s no cost for anyone else to use it. Any paid or commercial product that uses Delta Green or Delta Green-associated property must be separately and specifically licensed from the Delta Green Partnership.

SUBCRIBER-PAID ACTUAL-PLAY PODCASTS. We allow one exception to the restriction on commercial products. You may post Delta Green audio podcasts that are funded by subscribers such as on Patreon. They can be discussion podcasts or actual-play recordings. Please note that this does not cover publishing original or reprinted scenarios or other game resources, only playing the game. It does not cover original fiction, whether written or audio or video. The required recognition of rights and the restrictions on logos and trade dress, all described on this page, still apply.

Recognition of Rights

In order to protect Delta Green operational security and the intellectual property rights of our publishing venture, we require that you include the following notice. It must appear on the FIRST PAGE of a PDF or other text document. It must be appended to each web page, audio recording, or video recording that makes use of Delta Green characters and settings. For a podcast or other audio release, the legal notice may be included in show notes rather than the audio recording, as long as the show notes are clearly visible to everyone who downloads or streams the recording. For a video recording, the notice may be read aloud or may be included as a text screen, as long as it is legible and on screen for at least five seconds. The notice must be as follows:

Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are ©<fill in author’s name>, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

The Delta Green Logo and Trade Dress

Your publication may not include the official Delta Green logo or other trade dress. This requirement is necessary to protect customers from confusion as to which works are official Delta Green publications.

For More Information

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact Shane Ivey,