Deception is a right. Truth is a privilege. Innocence is a luxury. Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another day — but often at a shattering personal cost.

Operational Intelligence

Angel, Chapter 1: Psychotic Opera

By David Farnell, (c) 2000 “As flies to wanton boys, are we to th’ Gods, They kill us for their sport.” –Shakespeare, King Lear *** Agent Laura buried her face in her hands. Tired, so tired. She’d received the email while flying in from Hawaii–Luke
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Angel, Prologue: Tiger

By David Farnell, (c) 2000 “Did he smile, his work to see?” –Blake, “The Tyger” *** It always went back to the Old Man. Every flash of beauty and violence, every truth and innuendo, behind them all was that enigmatic smile, the curiously accented French,
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Scorched Earth (Jaundiced Eyes, Part 3)

“But when you reach the end…?” “It’s like….” “Yes?” “It’s like… sometimes, it’s like there’s a hole in my mind. Like… where memory used to be, just this empty, gnawing… hole. And you mother
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lesserdark (Jaundiced Eyes, Part 2)

By Shane Ivey, (c) 1998 “‘How am I doing,’ he says.” Officer John Vitelle, hefty and dark, chuckled derisively and tossed a newspaper to the floorboards. “What,” said his partner, a thin balding man named Douglas Nee, turning the wheel of their squa
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Blacker than Black (Jaundiced Eyes, Part 1)

By Shane Ivey, (c) 1998 Panama, 1986. A soft wind rustled through jungle leaves. The night was clear but moonless and black with swirling mists, and all the stars were dark past a fog-obscured canopy of trees. The air was close and humid and hot. Unseen bat wings flapped, dry and leat
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Imagery Intelligence