New to VTT – Delta Green: Reverberations

Cover of Delta Green: Reverberations, featuring a face with outstretched tongue with a pill on the end. Image also indicates it is available on for Foundry and Roll20 VTT.

Our newest VTT module is Delta Green: Reverberations, available for Roll20 and Foundry now at 

A Nineties rave drug called Reverb is back on the Chicago streets, better and stronger than ever. Now, its users and dealers have started vanishing. The Agents must identify and stop the source of this unnatural threat before anyone else falls prey to it.

Delta Green: Reverberations for Roll20

Delta Green: Reverberations for Foundry

Delta Green: Reverberations joins our ever-growing library of VTT modules:

Delta Green: Agent’s Handbook – Foundry

Delta Green: Need to Know – Roll20 and Foundry

Delta Green: Convergence – Roll20 and Foundry

Delta Green: Jack Frost – Roll20 and Foundry

Delta Green: Operation: Fulminate – Roll20 and Foundry

Delta Green: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays – Roll20 and Foundry

Retired crime fighter. Photographer. Filmmaker. Foodie. Geek. Community and Digital Projects Manager, Arc Dream Publishing