‘Dead Letter’ 1997 playtest logs: Session 7


Dee : Heya Lundquist.
Black : hi lundquist
Dee : I guess my real question for Scott is, what kind of
press (literal and figurative) is the
Dee : ABC and Lear jet business getting over the couple of
days following?
Black : Lundquist we are try to figure out what to do with our
SGlancy12 : Lots and lots. CNN and the networks are all over the
ruins of the ABC plant and the
SGlancy12 : spectacular shootout at the Missoula airport.
Black : the one in four point restraints
Dee : What kind of official reaction is there? Lots of
investigators shadowing us?
SGlancy12 : Helicopters and exploding lear jets attract attention
Dee : We have a mess of murder victims, dead perpetrators,
and one prisoner.
SGlancy12 : The local police in Missoula are up in arms. The USAF
wants to know what they’re MPs were
SGlancy12 : doing on a civilian law enforcement operation., etc.
Dee : Maybe we need Holtmann to be The Bad Guy for PR
SGlancy12 : The Justice Dept should be sniffing around any time
Dee : Give everyone somebody to focus on besides the
haywire federal/military agents…
Dee : Oh, next item of biz while we sort that issue out:
forensic analysis of the glass from the
Dee : road where Galt probably shot a car and hijacked it.
Lundquist : Did you guys see my email? Let’s make fugitive Galt
the bad guy for PR purposes. It might encourage
Lundquist : the manhunt.
Dee : I didn’t see the mail.
SGlancy12 : The window glass is from a ford vehicle, the 9mm
casings are west european make.
Dee : But yeah, we’re still after Galt, and we do need to
make him another patsy.
SGlancy12 : He’s hardly a patsy, he’s guilty as hell of multiple
Dee : A live villain on the loose might help ameliorate the
violence involved before.
Dee : Heh, yeah, but you know what I mean.
Dee : The other option is keeping it quiet and snuffing him
at first opportunity.
Dee : With the current situation we need to make him public
and snuff him at the first opportunity
SGlancy12 : Or both.
SGlancy12 : How very Oswaldian.
Dee : I’m just a soldier, troop.
Dee : Okay, so, Ford vehicle. Do we get any matching
missing vehicle reports from that night?
SGlancy12 : no
Dee : That region of Montana…nuts.
Black : the person who ownes it is most likely dead
Black : hence no reported stolen vehicle
Dee : How about missing person reports over hte next few
days with details indicating
Dee : a Ford vehicle was possibly being driven?
Black : is he still dragging the good doctor with him?
SGlancy12 : Remeber, Galt’s running around with a severed head
and a naked black female hostage.
SGlancy12 : How hard could they be to find in Montana?
Dee : Montana’s a big open place. 😛
Dee : But obviously we need to issue one heck of an APB.
Dee : I just wanna clear up any other possible clues as
Lundquist : Given the explosive events of the past day or two
there’s no way to keep this thing quiet. So since
Lundquist : there’s going to be massive public attention on
everything anyways, let’s use that to our advantage
Lundquist : and get the whole law enforcement community looking
for Patsy Galt.
SGlancy12 : ANy realtion to Patsy Kline?
Lundquist : Only if he’s Japanese.
Black : Scott our friend said they were to return to south
america. Where in south america
Lundquist : Does he know? Or have any suspicions?
Black : what was the flight plan filed?
SGlancy12 : The plane left Montevideo Uruguay from the
International Airport
Black : were they to return to the same airport
SGlancy12 : yes
Lundquist : And how did they get from the compound to the
airport? Same windowless plane?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : What kind of flight time?
Lundquist : That compound sounds like a good use for a DG-fired
nuke… But right now, I think a more pressing
Lundquist : concern is finding Herr Galt…
SGlancy12 : c-123, 10 hour flight time.
SGlancy12 : 1200-1300 mile range.
Black : what kind of man hunter do we have up and running?
Lundquist : It might’ve flown in circles for a while to confuse
those on board… But if it was a hurry-up type of
Lundquist : operation, it might not have.
Lundquist : That airfield ought to show up on satelite photos.
We just have to scrutinize every airfield in a
Black : Has the man hunter provide any more leads (did they
find any thing)
Lundquist : 1300 mile circle. Should be easy.
SGlancy12 : Well, the Montana state police and every deputy and
officer around the Hungry Horse res is
SGlancy12 : on alert.
SGlancy12 : That’ll narrow your satellite search parameters.
Lundquist : It’ll still probably take a few months… BTW, media
story is that there were no survivors at Missoula
Lundquist : from amongst the terrorists.
SGlancy12 : Okey doke.
Dee : Should we change that? We have Holtmann.
SGlancy12 : Holtkamp
Dee : Er, right.
Lundquist : His story is obviously wildly exaggerated… Hitler?
Get real. But just the same, we don’t
Lundquist : want his buddies down in South America to get spooked
because he got captured and split…
Dee : Hmm. Yeah, might be something to that. If we have a
shot at tracking his base down.
Dee : The question then becomes, what to do with Holtkamp?
Lundquist : Ask Drake?
Dee : All right.
Black : scott has there been any leads or has the manhunter
found anything
SGlancy12 : Drake advises that DG wants to keep him alive so we
can wring him out for info.
Black : possible abandoned cars
Dee : What’s this manhunter?
Black : missing people
SGlancy12 : But also thinks we need to keep him “officially” a
Black : I meant the man hunt sorry
Lundquist : Can Drake take custody of him? Ought to get him away
from Malmstrom…
SGlancy12 : The cops are going door to door around the area.
Lundquist : More docs/MP’s that see him alive, the harder the
cover story is to maintain!
SGlancy12 : Drake can get a team to extract him and hide him away
in a day or so.
SGlancy12 : Do you want to hand Holtkamp off to Drake?
Lundquist : Good enough. Make sure he gets the Dr Lechter
treatment till then.
Dee : How many people have seen Holtkamp?
Dee : Cops and MPs at the airfield. Some hospital
SGlancy12 : About . . . a dozen or so. USAF MPs and Doctors.
Dee : Ouch.
SGlancy12 : No cops have seen him
Black : I guess. Can I get any more out of him?
SGlancy12 : WHat do you want to know about?
Dee : That’s still a mighty big hole to cover up.
Lundquist : We can tell them to keep quiet as his terrorist
buddies are still planning something and it could
Lundquist : endanger the investigation if they know we had a live
Lundquist : Most of them ought to go for that.
Lundquist : (I hope…)
Dee : I dunno. Maybe. Is there some way we can cover it
SGlancy12 : They do. After months of guarding missile silos, this
stuff kicks ass.
Dee : Well, heck, we can just have him officially carted
off by the US Marshals or something.
Dee : Then placed in DG custody afterward.
Lundquist : Leave the details to Drake. He can always “die” in
the hospital and DG people take the “body” away…
Dee : He can “die trying to escape” when it’s necessary to
admit his existence.
SGlancy12 : Ruthless bastards.
Black : Col black would like some quiet time with him as well
Dee : Heh heh. Maybe when the Colonel gets out of traction
in a couple of months…
Black : On to more pressing matters, tracking Galt down
Dee : Yeah, good idea!
SGlancy12 : You guys all have to crash. Everyone’s been going for
over 24 hours.
SGlancy12 : Actually about 40 hours if I calculate correctly.
SGlancy12 : They’ll wake you if the cops find anything.
Dee : Right. After the interrogation and report, we’re
in… where, a Missoula hotel?
Black : Has the door to door search turn up anything
SGlancy12 : As far as I know, everyone converged on Malmstrom.
SGlancy12 : Not yet.
Dee : Ah, okay. Even better, as far as keeping the doctors
from talking.
Black : Oh by the way I introduce myself to Dee and Lunquist
Black : My name is Kurt Sheldon
Lundquist : Pleased to meet you.
Dee : “Lt Colonel Sam Dee. I’m working security for
USAMRIID. You interrogated Holtkamp?”
Sheldon : Sure did. I had some help from the army’s chemist.
Nice stuff.
Sheldon : I am a field interrgator for INSCOM
SGlancy12 : Around 5pm, those who are sleeping are woken up by a
call from Montana Police, they found a
SGlancy12 : truck with the driver’s window broken, full of blood
and a house full of corpses.
SGlancy12 : Its a house on the Hungry Horse Revervoir.
SGlancy12 : Hold on bathroom break.
Sheldon : “well, guys do you want to go and investigate?”
Sheldon : “We could find something.”
Dee : Blinking groggily for a second. “Eh? Right. Yeah,
wake Lundquist.”
Sheldon : “I don’t know who this Galt guy is but, he sounds
like one nasty fellow.”
Sheldon : I dial his hotel room. I let it ring until he
Dee : <Yawn, fumble for pants, shirt, tie.> “He is that.”
SGlancy12 : ANyone up for a helicopter ride?
Sheldon : I game but, I can’t speak for the other two
Dee : Always.
Lundquist : Mmmph.
Dee : I’ll wear a suit, but carry my heavy hardware in a
black duffel.
Sheldon : I grab my case with my gear in it
SGlancy12 : Its about a 90 minute flight. Very scenic. The
Rockies are beautiful up here.
Dee : Dark sunglasses.
Lundquist : I’ll just sick my head out of the helo door during
the flight… That’ll wake me up.
SGlancy12 : The house is a cabin by the reservoir. Its surrounded
by about 10 police vehicles right now.
SGlancy12 : The only place to put the chopper down in on the
shore of the reservoir.
SGlancy12 : Once on the ground you find a Montana State police
captain in charge. His name is Capt. Dye
SGlancy12 : There is a Ford explorerer parked by the cabin.
Driver’s window open, crime scene photos
SGlancy12 : are being taken.
Dee : Cabin by the reservoir–is this the same reservoir we
flew over and searched around?
SGlancy12 : Yes the same reservoir.
SGlancy12 : The house is open and crime techs are moving in and
out. An ambulance has arrived too.
Dee : How many cabins are there near the reservoir?
Sheldon : how many bodies we have
Sheldon : If i could manage it I would like to examine the
SGlancy12 : WHole bodies or parts?
Sheldon : both
Sheldon : anyone of them missing their brain?
SGlancy12 : There’s the vehicle owner. The cabin’s two occupants
(husband & wife on vaccation), most of
SGlancy12 : Dr. Metreaux and part of Dr. Crisp’s head. Yes, he’s
missing his brain.
SGlancy12 : The head has been cracked open like an egg.
SGlancy12 : Dr. Metreaux appears to be . . . dressed. Like a
SGlancy12 : Some of the . . . meatier cuts are missing.
Sheldon : that’s the female doctor right (Dr. Metreaux)
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Sheldon : well I would like to examine the bodies if I could
Sheldon : I am a trained doctor
Dee : “Yeah, looks like that was her.”
Dee : I want to get the cops out of the place for a few
minutes so we can look it over.
SGlancy12 : No problem. How’s yer intestinal fortitude?
Sheldon : who me?
Dee : I’ll suggest it to Lundquist, since he’s the law
enforcement type.
SGlancy12 : Who’s going inside to look at the carnage?
Sheldon : I will
SGlancy12 : So far what you’re learning is from the cops.
Dee : Oh… yeah, I want to clear the place out, then we
can all three go check it out.
Dee : Or at least me and Sheldon, if Lundquist wants to
handle the cops or gets squeamish…
SGlancy12 : The whole bloody mess costs Dee & Black 2 san,
Lundquist 1 san
Lundquist : Glad I skipped breakfast.
SGlancy12 : The cabin occupants and car owner have been
unceremoniouly dumped in a bedroom.
Sheldon : I pull some latex gloves out and give a pair to Dee
and Lundquist
SGlancy12 : All shot dead. Double tap to the head.
Sheldon : I look them over
Dee : “Unh. Worse than I expected. Gah, this is worse
than those Colombians…”
SGlancy12 : Metreaux has been hung in the pantry from her wrists.
Dee : Do we succeed in getting the place to ourselves?
Sheldon : going to each body or body part and medically examine
them. I try to get a time of death
SGlancy12 : Hang on for a sec, Scott is saying goodbye to his
girlfirend whom he won’t be seeing for
SGlancy12 : a week.
Dee : Ah, okay.
SGlancy12 : No! I’m not saying goodbye THAT way!
Dee :
Dee : Whatever do you mean, O Keeper of Arcane Lore?
SGlancy12 : Back to business. I’m going to Seattle tomorrow to
see about working directly for Pagan Pub
SGlancy12 : The Dr. was hung by her wrists. Looks like she was
cleaned and gutted while still alive. She
SGlancy12 : was gagged with a torn shirt. Her organs have been
heaped in the kitchen sink.
SGlancy12 : She’s also missing a section of buttock, thigh and
breast. These pieces haven’t been found.
SGlancy12 : But the pots and pans in the kitchen have been used.
Looks like something was pan-fried in a
SGlancy12 : skillet with some onions and green peppers.
Sheldon : Can I determine time of death?
SGlancy12 : Dr. Crisp’s head is missing its brain, although some
scraps of tissue remain in the cranium.
SGlancy12 : No rigor mortis. Not long ago on Metreaux. The others
are stiff. Six hours?
Dee : Figures he’d just leave scraps for us. Selfish
Dee : Are there signs outside that a vehicle was driven
Sheldon : I look at the livor mortis
SGlancy12 : There is a scent trail leading off throught the
woods. The Dogs are on it.
Dee : Interesting.
Dee : How many other structures are around the Reservoir?
Sheldon : Has to be 1-6 hours.
SGlancy12 : Yes. there are plenty of cabins and houses.
Sheldon : 1-6 manifest 6-24 max and 1-36 disappears or the
12/12/12 rule (rigor mortis)
SGlancy12 : I just used the CoC rulebook.
Sheldon : forensic class kicking in
SGlancy12 : Now, what?
Sheldon : well, he has to be close
SGlancy12 : Very very close.
SGlancy12 : The cabin owners car is still by the cabin.
Sheldon : Dee look around for hiding spots
SGlancy12 : Around the cabin.
Sheldon : How about in the cabin
Lundquist : No other vehicle tracks leading away?
SGlancy12 : No fresh vehicle tracks. No hiding places in the
Lundquist : This scent trail… is it consistient with a person
on foot?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
SGlancy12 : Tracks too.
Dee : Size 12 combat boots?
Lundquist : How far away is the SEAL team we had (the ones who
did the initial tracking from the rubber raft we
Sheldon : well, release the hounds.
Lundquist : found)?
Dee : I don’t think we ever got a SEAL team.
Dee : Did we?
Lundquist : Weren’t they the ones who did the tracking from the
SGlancy12 : Size 12 combat boots. The track from the raft was
police dogs.
Lundquist : My bad… It was State Police.
Sheldon : well, guys do you want to go hunting?
Dee : Right. Okay, I think the top priority is getting on
the trail.
Lundquist : I guess the SEALs never arrived.
SGlancy12 : Not yet.
Lundquist : Let’s move out! Is there a dog team here?
Dee : We can search the cabin later.
SGlancy12 : They are on back order.
Dee : I’ll take off my tie and unpack my submachine-gun.
Dee : Hmmm…. did the Air Force want their flak vests
Sheldon : If we go, I go to the copter and get my shotgun and
put on my vest
SGlancy12 : No. you guys are still decked out in the latest
Lundquist : Good.
Sheldon : When I get back “so Dee what does the target look
Dee : Whoohoo!
Lundquist : Did we get a composite drawn up?
SGlancy12 : Yes
Lundquist : Make sure everyone looks at it.
SGlancy12 : Its being faxed around the northwest.
SGlancy12 : There’s already a team of cops on Galt’s trail. Do
you guys intend to catch up?
Sheldon : I load the magnum slugs
SGlancy12 : I’ll take that as a yes.
Dee : Yeah, we need to catch up quick.
Sheldon : Yes for me
Dee : I want to take 30 seconds with the cops at the cabin,
SGlancy12 : Okay.
Lundquist : Move out double time. Are other teams cordoning off
the area?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : Gather them around for a moment just to make things
nice and clear…
Sheldon : lock and load
SGlancy12 : Its the harmonic convergence of Montana Law
Dee : “Listen up, gents. You’ve all heard what this maniac
has done over the past few days.”
Dee : “None of it was exaggerated. He’s got Special Forces
training. He’s top notch.”
Dee : “Born fucking killer. So keep your ears open, all of
you. Keep radio contact
Dee : frequent, but no chatter. Understood?”
SGlancy12 : “Understood.”
SGlancy12 : “I got a question,” says one cop.
SGlancy12 : “If we catch this guy in our sights, what do we do?”
Dee : “I’m not a cop, officer. I’d say, shoot him dead. I
doubt you’ll get two chances.”
SGlancy12 : “No problem.”
SGlancy12 : Everyone ready?
Lundquist : “Don’t hesitate.”
Dee : “Outstanding. Now, I need a map of this area, as
detailed as you have…”
SGlancy12 : They’ve got it.
Dee : Ready.. I want to try to coordinate the movements of
the groups of police.
Dee : Plot the trail that has been followed so far, see if
the trackers can tell what pace
Dee : our quarry is setting–is he running or walking?
Dee : Look at the terrain and landmarks in the area.
Hills, caves, waterways, buildings.
SGlancy12 : He’s moving fast. Jogging? Uphill in mountainous
SGlancy12 : The police teams are in radio contact. There are two
choppers (not counting your USAF bird)
SGlancy12 : at your disposal.
Dee : Terrain and landmarks?
SGlancy12 : Total of about 190 officers are involved.
SGlancy12 : The terrain is mountainous. Heavily wooded.
Coniferous forrests.
SGlancy12 : The Flathead National Forrest is the are you’re
marching through.
SGlancy12 : West of the Glacier National Park.
Dee : What kind of details can I get of the surrounding
region–within 30 miles?
Dee : Any streams or rivers near the trail that we’re
following? Any buildings?
Lundquist : Do we have a chopper with FLIR? Park service might
have one for finding missing hikers… We need it
SGlancy12 : There’s a road SR 2 about 10 miles north of the
revervoir. Two small towns, Essex and
Lundquist : overhead right away.
SGlancy12 : Pinacle, they service the tourist trade in the Park.
Lundquist : And we need heavy police patrols and roadblocks on
all of the roads bordering this area. Plus boats
Lundquist : on the water.
SGlancy12 : West is the reservoir. South is several THOUSAND
square miles of forrest.
SGlancy12 : Same to the East. Thousands of square miles. Some of
which have never seen a foot print.
SGlancy12 : You got the roadblocks and the water patrols.
Lundquist : And let’s re-task every spy satelite in the northern
hemisphere while we’re at it.
SGlancy12 : As news of Galt’s rampage spreads, the tourists are
fleeing the area. The roads will be full
SGlancy12 : Not so easy on the satillites. You might get it done
by next week. You’re DG, not MJ-12.
Lundquist : (Kidding about the satelites). Re refugees: Make
sure everyone goes through a roadblock; all cars
Lundquist : should be throuroughly checked.
Lundquist : (And what’s MJ-12?) 😉
SGlancy12 : Dont ask.
Dee : Which way are the tracks heading?
SGlancy12 : The tracks head south east.
SGlancy12 : Are you guys marching into the woods in hot pursuit?
SGlancy12 : By the way, you don’t need to carry supplies because
the choppers can drop them to u
Lundquist : Yes. As fast as we can go, until we catch up to the
team ahead of us.
SGlancy12 : Galt won’t be so lucky.
SGlancy12 : Okay. It takes an hour of hard driving to catch up.
You can hear the dogs barking ahead.
Lundquist : We radio the trackers that we’re coming up behind
SGlancy12 : After another hour of pursuit there’s a problem with
the dogs.
SGlancy12 : They’re going nuts. Whining and crying.
Dee : Are we with them now, or are we still catching up?
Lundquist : “What’s wrong with them?”
SGlancy12 : Yes you have caught up. Looks like someone dropped a
bunch of pepper and garlic powder on
SGlancy12 : the trail.
SGlancy12 : Maybe caeyan pepper? From the cabin’s kitchen.
Lundquist : “Can they proceed?”
Dee : (BTW, as we’re driving and stuff I want to make sure
we get the troopers spread out
Dee : in a proper jungle-warfare anti-guerilla
SGlancy12 : You’re not driving. You’re hiking in the woods.
SGlancy12 : Yes, the cops are spread in a proper skirmish line.
Dee : As we’re hiking then. Cool.
Dee : “Spread the dogs out. Get them away from the
SGlancy12 : They dogs can’t proceed. Not for a while. We’ll call
for more and proceed to track him by his
SGlancy12 : foottrail.
Dee : “Everyone else, hold still. Captain Dye, are any of
your men trained trackers?”
SGlancy12 : Dye’s got four good trackers.
Lundquist : Have the replacement dogs choppered in.
SGlancy12 : The dogs will be brought in by chopper.
Sheldon : Just like hunting back home
SGlancy12 : After some reorganization, they manhunt proceeds.
Dee : Moving along… lots of very paranoid men with big
guns at night…
SGlancy12 : Two hours later, you guys get a radio call.
SGlancy12 : Its the state police. Galt used the phone at the
cabin. He called a number in San Francisco.
Dee : What the…
SGlancy12 : Yes it is dark.
SGlancy12 : The call lasted ten minutes.
Dee : Dare I ask, What number?
SGlancy12 : Its a business #. A army surplus/guns & ammo store in
San Francisco.
Lundquist : I call Agent Drake and advise him of this (assiming
my cell phone works out here….).
SGlancy12 : No, but each police team has a radio.
Lundquist : Ok, as long as Drake is advised… He can get someone
to check out the Surplus Store while we’re
Lundquist : still out in the woods.
Lundquist : Hey, Did the cabin have a fax machine?
SGlancy12 : Okay. The team can’t proceed at night. No it didn’t.
SGlancy12 : No fax machine.
Lundquist : Can we have helos with FLIR working overhead?
SGlancy12 : There’s only one available.
Lundquist : Every available helo should be circling around the
area anyway… We won’t know they don’t all have
Lundquist : FLIR and it may make him go to ground to hide from
them, thus wasting time.
SGlancy12 : Good idea.
Dee : Yep.
Lundquist : Every little bit we can slow him down will help.
SGlancy12 : During the night, you get a radio call from Drake
about the gun shop.
SGlancy12 : The owner closed his shop and left just about the
time he got the call from the cabin.
SGlancy12 : The owner’s name is Matt Dolin, he’s on the mailing
lists of several right wing publications
SGlancy12 : that advocate the use of violence agaisnt minorities
and the US gov.
Lundquist : We ought to get an ABP on him & his vehicle.
SGlancy12 : The APB is out. What do you want done when you catch
Lundquist : Assume armed & extremely dangerous; detain on charges
of criminal conspiracy & such.
SGlancy12 : Then what?
Dee : Then we need to introduce him to our friend,
‘Confessional,’ I think…
SGlancy12 : Its the second day of the search. Everyone smells
like an armpit, every muscle aches.
SGlancy12 : You now hate the woods.
SGlancy12 : Galt seems to run on air and bark. He hasn’t slowed
much and he pulled ahead when the dogs
SGlancy12 : were on the blink.
SGlancy12 : Now with a fresh set of dogs you’re making up lost
SGlancy12 : You’re buring up 30 miles a day over tough terrain.
SGlancy12 : The SFPD reports the got Matt Dolin.
Dee : I keep my eyes on the group as we move, to see if any
of the police are having
SGlancy12 : He was driving back into SF from the northwst.
Lundquist : We ought to have a backup set of dogs on scene as
well, in case he tires that pepper trick again.
Dee : trouble with the terrain or activity… basically to
see if there are any weak links.
SGlancy12 : They’ve spread the dogs out, y’know, “fool me once .
. ”
SGlancy12 : Some of the men are starting to buckle. If they need
to be they can be choppered out.
Dee : I’ll do so, if any get to the point where they won’t
be alert and agile in combat.
SGlancy12 : Okay.
Dee : Other than that, I’m letting the dogs and trackers
lead the way.
SGlancy12 : The trial has turned south.
Dee : I stay low and quiet, most of the time. Not too near
the majority of the pursuers.
SGlancy12 : The scent trail ends on the banks of the Flathead
SGlancy12 : Galt must have crossed the river.
Dee : How wide and fast is the river?
SGlancy12 : Very wide. Very fast. VERY VERY cold.
Dee : Hell of a time crossing it. Does it look like there
are better fords anywhere nearby?
SGlancy12 : You can look. Or call for a chopper to lift you over
the river.
Lundquist : Remember, he rappelled out of a moving helicopter at
night… We shouldn’t underestimate this guy.
Dee : We’ll have the dogs choppered over to look for the
trail, first and foremost.
Dee : Then get the rest of us over there while the dogs are
Lundquist : No luck with the FLIR bird?
SGlancy12 : Okay. It is done. No luck so far. Found a couple of
elk and bears though.
Lundquist : And of them have a German accent?
SGlancy12 : No.
SGlancy12 : One of them sounded a bit finnish though.
Sheldon : a finnish bear?
SGlancy12 : Okay. After another day and night out here, sleeping
in four hour blocks, the trail turns
SGlancy12 : tot he West.
SGlancy12 : You lost some time reaquiring the scent trail.
SGlancy12 : On the third day the scent trail in within five mile
of the town of Saloman Prairie.
SGlancy12 : You guys are dying. Dog tired. Bruised and scaped.
Lundquist : Did we have police keeping watch in that town?
SGlancy12 : Yes. But there aren’t but two town constables. State
cops are all over the place though,
Lundquist : “I think,” puff puff, “We should have” huff huff
“Waited with a chopper” huff huff “while the trackers
Lundquist : did this part themselves.” Huff.
Sheldon : “You not the woodsmen type Lundquist?”
Lundquist : “Not for this long.”
Dee : Dee’s looking pale, getting a workout like he hasn’t
in a long time.
SGlancy12 : The scent trail goes into town and the dogs lose it.
SGlancy12 : They can’t seem to pick up the trail again.
Dee : Does the Captain or any of his officers know the
local constables?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : Need to contact them, then, ASAP.
SGlancy12 : They are questioning everyone about what they may
have seen this morning or last night.
SGlancy12 : Nobody seems to know nothing. The big problem here is
that SR 83 runs through here.
SGlancy12 : Where do you want to do?
Dee : Well, crap.
SGlancy12 : The town is tiny. 156 population.
Dee : Is there a truck stop?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Sheldon : did we have any road blocks on sr 83
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : Need to look there first, then.
SGlancy12 : Okay.
Dee : Bring in the composite drawing we have, ask if any
have seen him.
SGlancy12 : Drake calls in again from San Francisco.
Dee : Find out which truckers were here over hte last two
nights, when they left.
Dee : What they were driving, where they were heading.
SGlancy12 : “I’ve got news. Fiona Lin Wei, the woman from the
Ecotopian was kidnapped from her home by 3
SGlancy12 : guys the neighbors described as Skinheads.”
Dee : Jeez… we’re missing all the action.
SGlancy12 : She was dragged out kicking and screaming and stuffed
in a van.
SGlancy12 : SHe lived in Berkley, across the bay from SF.
SGlancy12 : Local PD has an APB out on the van.
Dee : Where’s our gun-store owner?
SGlancy12 : Matt Dolin, gun store guy is in federal custody.
Lundquist : Oh jeez! If Galt really does know what Crisp knew,
he thinks that Fiona got the dog head!
Dee : That’s right.
Dee : We need to pump Dolin’s brain and fast.
Dee : But first, do we turn up anything about truckers?
SGlancy12 : Going to catch that flight to SF from the Happy
Valley airport?
SGlancy12 : Nothing on the truckers.
Dee : Any missing vehicles in this town?
Sheldon : “Who is this Fiona lady?”
Dee : Do we know Sheldon is DG, btw?
Lundquist : Mabe Sheldon should go introduce Dolin to
Confessional right away…
Dee : Was he sent by Drake?
SGlancy12 : Yes Drake sent Sheldon in. He’s DG.
Sheldon : (In character context, I haven’t had time to read up
on the case totally)
Sheldon : Been on the move
Lundquist : Right. I fill you in as needed.
Dee : I’ll take Sheldon aside. “Fiona Lin Wei was the
intended recipient of the parcel sent by Dr
Dee : Crisp, a sample of the biological work at the ABC
Dee : So, nothing from truckers, no missing vehicles, no
scent, no sightings.
Sheldon : Ok, I game to what you two want to do. It’s your
game. I’m just a substitute.
Dee : Any broken glass on the street? 🙂
SGlancy12 : Fucker just went stealth mode.
Sheldon : well, do we drop everything and go to SF or stick
around and hope to get lucky
SGlancy12 : What now?
Dee : Has to be SF. We can modify the APB to focus
attention on the route of SR 83 and nearby
Dee : roads/highways, but otherwise we’re stuck.
Lundquist : I think Galt is public-enemy #1 to the point that we
don’t necessarily need to be on scene…
Lundquist : But what if he’s doing this as a diversion to get us
Sheldon : Well, it time to gamble.
Lundquist : We need about ten more DG agents on this one.
Dee : Problem is, how can we proceed at this point in
Dee : We can scour the area around this town.
SGlancy12 : True. You’ve got ten sifting through the ABC plant
disguised as an EPA hazmat team.
Lundquist : Have dog teams circumnavigated the town to see if the
trail left it at any time?
Sheldon : we might get lucky. Galt could be going to SF
SGlancy12 : The dogs run through and around the town. They pick
up nothing.
Dee : Well, we need to get our hands on Dolin. Let’s head
to SF.
Sheldon : If we are going to SF we need to make it fast. Time
is against our side
Lundquist : If we go to SF I can sleep on the plane…
SGlancy12 : Chopper back to Malmstrom and then by C-130 to SF?
Sheldon : I need my medical gear
SGlancy12 : Where is it?
SGlancy12 : Back at Malmstrom?
Lundquist : I was hoping for a nice Gulfstream, but C-130 will
Sheldon : yes
SGlancy12 : Okay, you’re tired, sore asses are on the ground in
SF by 7pm.
SGlancy12 : Now what?
Dee : Straight on to a safe house. Have Dolin delivered.
Dee : Someplace nice and private.
Dee : Whatever Drake can arrange.
Lundquist : Yeah.
SGlancy12 : Okay. Dolin is brought to the safehouse by two DG US
Marshals and Drake.
Dee : I won’t bother with pleasantries with him, or
Lundquist : Shoot him up.
SGlancy12 : Dolin is about 50, beergut and long sideburns,
receeding hairline.
Dee : “Strap him down, there.”
Sheldon : I study my patient
Sheldon : watch his body language
SGlancy12 : I think he starts babbling about something called the
constitution. Any of you ever heard of
SGlancy12 : it?
Sheldon : I smile to him.
Sheldon : I speak in german to Dolin
SGlancy12 : He’s shit-scared. You guys look like everything the
militia rumor mill ever said about the
SGlancy12 : feds.
Lundquist : We are!
SGlancy12 : You taking him to the Confessional?
Lundquist : Do we have time for anything else, in Sheldon’s
professional opinion?
Sheldon : Well, first we see if he anwser my questions
Dee : Why bother?
Sheldon : Confessional is expermental
SGlancy12 : He acts brave and gives some bullshit name rank
serial # routine.
Sheldon : does he act different when I address him in german
SGlancy12 : No. He just looks confused/
Sheldon : if he continues to give us bull shit then I guess
I’ll use the confessional
Dee : “It’s your game, Sheldon. You want to talk with him
clean and sober, go ahead.”
SGlancy12 : Dolin continues to stall and lie about not having
gotten any phone call.
Sheldon : “Mr. Dolin, we can do this in two ways. You tell me
know or meetmy friend the Confessional
SGlancy12 : “Huh? What do you mean?”
Sheldon : I pull out the needle
Sheldon : then the vial
SGlancy12 : “That . . that’s not legal!”
SGlancy12 : “You can’t use that stuff on me!”
Sheldon : “Mr. Dolin, Confessional does wonders on the brain.
By the time its done you will be a
Sheldon : vegetable and you will not remember anything
SGlancy12 : “There’s no such thing as that drug! You’re lying!”
Actually, he looks like he believes you.
Sheldon : so what is your choice tells everything or meet
confessional. I start loading the needle
Sheldon : You have five seconds
Sheldon : four seconds
SGlancy12 : “I can’t! They’ll kill me!”
Sheldon : three seconds
Dee : I just look at him with cold, cold eyes.
Dispassionate. He’s a piece of meat.
Sheldon : two seconds
Sheldon : one second
SGlancy12 : “Wait I’ll talk!”
SGlancy12 : “What do you want!”
Lundquist : “Where is Dr Lin-Wei being held?”
Sheldon : what are your orders
SGlancy12 : “I don’t know. I just passed a message on to a guy I
Sheldon : what is this guy’s name and the message
Sheldon : and his address
SGlancy12 : “I got a call. They guy knew the contact signs and he
had a message for me to deliver to
SGlancy12 : Horst Jaeger. He’s the preident of the Bear Flag
SGlancy12 : “The message was to grab some woman named Fiona
something. Some chink. And take her
SGlancy12 : somewhere. Hold her until the guy showed up.”
SGlancy12 : “The guy never said who he was. He just used a code
Dee : Is Drake still here?
Sheldon : Now Mr. Dolin. The exact words. If you don’t I WILL
use confessional
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : I’ll go talk to Drake privately for a moment.
SGlancy12 : “Exact words of the message?
Sheldon : yes
SGlancy12 : “Uh, he said tell Jaeger I need someone picked up.
Her name is Fiona something, I can’t r
Sheldon : You better remember
SGlancy12 : remember her name. He gave me her address. Then he
said, have her ready to party by tonight.
SGlancy12 : He said he might be a few days but that they’d better
have her for him.”
Sheldon : Where can we find this Mr. Jaeger?
SGlancy12 : “He has a bunch of places. A house. A couple of
cabins. A training camp.”
Sheldon : Do you do business with him?
SGlancy12 : “Yes I sell him weapons all the time.”
Sheldon : When is the next pick up for weapons?
SGlancy12 : “Not for a while. He hasn’t had a class at his camp
for a couple of weeks so he hasn’t order
SGlancy12 : ordered any more ammo.”
Sheldon : how does he contact you?
Sheldon : or do you contact him
SGlancy12 : He come in personally. He never does business on the
SGlancy12 : That’s why I had to go to see him to deliver the
Sheldon : where do you deliever the goods
Sheldon : where did you meet him?
SGlancy12 : Usually to his training camp.
Sheldon : where did you meet him to deliever the message
SGlancy12 : This time I me t him at a bar he frequents. Its a
private club. Skinheads mostly.
Sheldon : what is its name?
SGlancy12 : Its called the Sturmfront.
Sheldon : I turn and approach Drake, Dee and Lunquist in
private conference
Sheldon : well guys, you have any more questions for Mr Dolin?
SGlancy12 : Drake wants to know if the guy on the phone had a
german accent and if he was going to call
SGlancy12 : back.
Sheldon : I relay that back to Mr. Dolin
SGlancy12 : The answers to both questions are yes.
Dee : Where is this bar, for starters? And where’s the
training camp, and Jaeger’s other houses?”
SGlancy12 : No particular time for the callback.
SGlancy12 : He coughs up the info he knows about the camps and
the houses.
Sheldon : Lunquist you have any questions?
Lundquist : Don’t think so… We might want to pump this guy for
general information on the skinhead underground
Lundquist : around here.
Lundquist : But that can wait.
Dee : “All right. Now let’s dope him up and make sure he
didn’t leave anything out.”
Lundquist : “Heh heh… I like your style Dee.”
SGlancy12 : You bastards.
Lundquist : Hey, we didn’t say that in front of him!
Dee : Who didn’t? 😉
SGlancy12 : I know that was my editorial.
Sheldon : Scott, I am going to examine him on a medical stand
point to see if he could take a dose
Sheldon : We don’t need this guy dead
Lundquist : Okay, so I’m wrong.
Dee : He looks pretty hefty. Might need to make it a
SGlancy12 : He looks like he can handle it. I love those
questions “So do you have any medical
SGlancy12 : conditions I should be aware of?”
Dee : Hah!
SGlancy12 : You shoot him up?
Lundquist : “Allergic to antibiotics, or truth serums?”
Sheldon : so in my opinion he can handle it?
SGlancy12 : by the way, he’s freaking.
SGlancy12 : Yes he can.
Dee : That’s fine. The shot will calm him down, right?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Sheldon : I give him a small dose
Sheldon : to be on the safe side
SGlancy12 : He goes into a narcoleptic state. Sort of a trance.
Ask away.
SGlancy12 : He confirms his original story.
Sheldon : do you know the man who called you
SGlancy12 : No.
Sheldon : any one else?
SGlancy12 : Huh?
Dee : I want as much detail as we can get–Jaeger and his
associates, the camp, the club.
Lundquist : And ask him what he left out from what he told us
Sheldon : (Anyone else one to ask a question)
SGlancy12 : Ah, he spills the beans about that stuff fairly
Dee : What code word did Galt use? What other such code
words are there?
SGlancy12 : He says he left out one thing. He says that the guy
on the phone said “Don’t rough her up.
SGlancy12 : I hate having my meat bruised.”
Dee : How many troops could Jaeger get to defend his
training camp?
SGlancy12 : He has several dozen members in the Bear Flag
Dee : Good grief.
SGlancy12 : But not all are full time. Most have real full time
Sheldon : has Jaeger met the man on the phone before
SGlancy12 : I don’t know.
Dee : So, Sheldon, think you could fake a German accent
over the phone and order those guys away?
Dee :
Sheldon : Sure
Lundquist : What weaponry do they have at the camp?
SGlancy12 : i’ve sold him 60 AK-47s,
Sheldon : I could go looking for him acting as our man Galt.
SGlancy12 : I put him in touch with a guy who got him a M79
grenade launcher.
Lundquist : Anything heavier than that?
SGlancy12 : I’m still trying to find a source for east european
land mines.
SGlancy12 : Not that I know of.
Dee : Yeah, we’re not worried about the little stuff like
that… 😛
Lundquist :

Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green.

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