‘Dead Letter’ 1997 playtest logs: Session 5


SGlancy12 : Next step?
Lundquist : Any reason why Dieschel left NOPD 2 yrs short of
Lundquist : (I think I can probably guess…)
SGlancy12 : No reason given. Internal Affairs wasn’t onto him. No
FBI file.
SGlancy12 : But he immediately became Turner’s partner.
Lundquist : I guess we’d have to call up his former Captain or
Lundquist : Probably better not to do so… might tip him off
we’re asking about him.
Lundquist : Still, he smells bad to me.
Dee : Oh yeah.
Dee : I don’t think we could learn much of use, anyway,
from Descheil’s background.
Dee : Like I said, it sounds like he’s a hired gun. We
know he’s smart and ruthless.
Lundquist : Well, how do we want to proceed then? See if Crisp
shows up for our meet?
Dee : We left the lasers painted on Crisp’s dorm and on the
manager’s office, right?
SGlancy12 : Yep.
Dee : So, did we pick up anything else from Crisp’s room,
for starters, after we heard
Dee : Turner order him to be collected and brought in?
SGlancy12 : Nope. Crisp had gone into the plant. He hasn’t
emerged since.
Dee : What about the office?
Dee : Was anything else recorded of interest?
SGlancy12 : The office has been empty after the meeting between
Galt and Turner.
Dee : All right.
Dee : Well, Lundquist. We need to decide how to proceed.
They know that someone is checking into
Dee : their operations, but they don’t know who.
Dee : We know that they have Crisp and know him to be a
mole, but we don’t
Dee : know what they’ll do with him.
Lundquist : Right. If they’re curious enough, they’ll let Crisp
out with a minder to meet with us and try to
Lundquist : figure out who we are.
Dee : What do you think about placing the calls, and
getting things in place for a raid?
Dee : We can go to the meet, and alter our plans if Crisp
Lundquist : Then they’ll probably try to kill us all.
Dee : Heh, they might. But we can get some fairly big guns
involved if they put up a fight.
Lundquist : I’m actually leaning in favor of a raid right now. I
don’t think we’ll get into the plant any other
Lundquist : way.
Lundquist : Maybe get ready for the raid (ie call out the troops,
begin planning…) and go to the meet.
Dee : True. But if they do let Crisp out, they’ll send a
team to follow him to check out the
Dee : opposition. We could take Crisp and his ‘escort’ out
then and there.
Dee : Then we’d have information from Crisp and maybe from
any security officers we grab.
SGlancy12 : If you have evidence that Crisp’s life is in danger,
you could mount a raid under
SGlancy12 : “exigent circumstances”
Dee : And the facility would have that many fewer assets if
they want to resist the search.
Lundquist : Right. I’m sure our SWAT colleagues would want to
know about numbers of security people, weapons, etc
Dee : Right… I’m thinking, if Crisp fails to show as he
agreed, we can call that exigent.
Lundquist : And go in with kidnapping/EPA warrant.
Dee : Right.
Lundquist : (on which I spent last session dotting all the t’s
and crossing all the i’s).
SGlancy12 : Do you really want to wait for him to show up at the
Great Falls airport?
Lundquist : How long away is that?
Lundquist : What time is it now?
SGlancy12 : He’d have to leave at 4pm to make the meet.
SGlancy12 : It’s 10am now.
Dee : The meeting was for 6 pm.
SGlancy12 : Yep
Dee : Heh, how about we call his cell phone?
Lundquist : OK, wait and see if he leaves… In the meantime,
cast Summon/Bind HRT…
Dee : If they are planning to use him to check us out, then
they might be smart enough to let him
Dee : answer his phone.
Lundquist : And bug it.
[ Black joins the Session ]
Dee : Hey there!
Lundquist : Hiya, Black!
SGlancy12 : You guys fill him in.
Dee : Well, we don’t need to say anything valuabe. Just
verify what they already know.
Lundquist : We’re plotting our next move.
Lundquist : We’re trying to decide if we should call in a massive
raid or not.
Dee : It’s now 10 am. We have spent the night
investigating Nuevas Horizones, the company
Dee : that owned one of the flights that came into the
Missoula airport from which came the
Dee : helicopter we saw arrive at ABC.
Black : sorry guys I over slept. I got done running a all
night coc game at the party at the hobby
Black : shop last night
Black : it was over at 7 this morning
Lundquist : Tis the season for all night CoC…
Dee : Nuevas Horizones is a shell corporation–no
personnel, no stock, no assets.
Dee : It is owned by another shell company–up the line,
there are 17 shell companies between NH
Dee : and a Lichtenstein trust fund, to which we have zero
Dee : In other words, that angle was a bust.
Dee : No links between NH and ABC, either.
Dee : We’ve been discussing whether to launch a raid, and
whether to do it ASAP or
Dee : to wait until after our planned meeting with Crisp.
Dee : Now you’re caught up. 😉
Lundquist : NH has at least one asset… An extended-cabin Bell
Black : thanks guys, has there been any activities at the
Dee : Nothing on our two laser-bugs.
Lundquist : (I mean, make that a Learjet).
SGlancy12 : Correct. The chopper’s a rental.
Black : where are the two bugs
Black : aimming at
Lundquist : BTW what can we learn about the Lear at Missoula?
Where did it come from? Did it clear customs
Lundquist : someplace?
Dee : The lasers are aimed at Crisp’s dorm and at Turner’s
SGlancy12 : Yes. It cleared customs in Huston.
Black : if there is any action going on then its in Crisp’s
Dee : Houston–didn’t the occupants have to sign any papers
or something?
SGlancy12 : Two Pilots, seven passengers. All with Paraguayan
Black : do we know if crisp has a lab partner? Didn’t turner
mention someone
Lundquist : Anybody named “Galt”?
Dee : Any details on those passports?
SGlancy12 : Yes. They did. Nobody named Galt on those passports.
Dee : I think Crisp was working with Metreux.
SGlancy12 : Lotsa guys named Juan and Diego and Alfredo.
SGlancy12 : All hispanic names.
Dee : Nine passports–we need to follow up on that, if we
Dee : But in the meantime, are we agreed on whether and
when to launch the raid?
Dee : Should we wait until tonight? And could we get the
manpower to do it any sooner, if we
Dee : wanted to?
Lundquist : “Guten tag. Ich bin Juan Alfredo. Wie geht’s?”
Dee : Heh heh.
SGlancy12 : A small raid could be mounted before nightfall, if
you start now.
SGlancy12 : Maybe 30 men?
Dee : I suddenly hear Swartzhenegger trying to do Cheech
Lundquist : Who do we want to call for our backup? The USAF
security detachment has a lot to recommend it…
Lundquist : …but for some reason, I’m reluctant to trust the
Air Force.
Dee : Would thirty be enough?
Dee : WHO would those thirty be? ATF and…
Lundquist : Thirty, plus us? It might. With the element of
surprise… We could also maybe call up some of
Lundquist : the 200-man Tribal Police for support as well. And
MT State Troopers should be able to get a fair
Lundquist : number of people here quickly.
SGlancy12 : That thirty wouldn’t involve the USAF. ATF FBI and
Dee : If we do a raid, I really would prefer to have some
heavy hitters from SOG and HRT around.
SGlancy12 : The 30 wouldn’t be SWAT. Just federal law enforcement
Lundquist : Yeah, but I’m sure they’re looking for a chance to
put on kevlar and play SWAT for a while…
Dee : Would the tribal police help?
SGlancy12 : Would they tip off ABC?
Dee : And how quickly could we get HRT and SOG officers?
24 hours?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Lundquist : Maybe tip off ABC, maybe not… They probably are
riddled with informants.
SGlancy12 : The larger the force, the more time it’ll take.
Lundquist : How about the USAF MP’s? How quickly could they be
SGlancy12 : Fast. Maybe 8 hours.
SGlancy12 : 120 a full company.
Dee : Damn.
Lundquist : Let’s call them. A full company, trained in police
work, and counterterrorist activity.
Dee : That’s an attractive option.
Lundquist : Equipped as light infantry.
SGlancy12 : They have light armored vehicles too.
Dee : They’re military, too, so they might obey orders if
told that we three are in charge.
Black : I think that we should possibly wait. What happened
to Crisp is already done
Lundquist : They sound like a perfect fit for us. You Army guys
would even rank them.
Black : I think we should play a little cat and mouse
Dee : Well, eight hours is enough for us to see what
happened with Crisp.
Dee : Like I said, we can try to call his cell phone again,
to see who answers, if anyone.
Black : I am sure our little german friend is interested in
who we are
Lundquist : Yeah. If we learn something new, we can always stop
the raid.
Lundquist : But best to get the ball rolling and get the troops
here, IMHO.
Dee : I agree. Place the calls–the two of you can make
the arrangements.
Black : and we know that they are want to ambush us at the
Dee : I’ll see what’s happening with Crisp’s phone.
Dee : Oh yeah… I have some ideas for making the airport
work our way, though.
Lundquist : I’m not as concerned about that. The airport has its
own security police. We can put them on alert
Lundquist : too, prior to the meet.
Black : I think need to concentrate on protecting our butt
and coutermove them
SGlancy12 : Crisps cell phone doesn’t pick up.
Lundquist : Uh oh.
Black : if we can grab the hit team then we could possible
gain a little info
Dee : Exactly. My plan is to go to the meet, and to grab
whoever shows up.
Lundquist : Yes, I agree… But then launch the raid immediately
Dee : Crisp if he’s there, any ABC security guys if they
come with him or on their own.
Dee : Can we get any FBI agents to back us up at the
Lundquist : Hey, what if we let one of us get “captured” by the
ABC guys? Masquerade as an environmentalist
Lundquist : do-gooder?
Black : I think we are holding all the cards right now
because our friend Galt wants to know who we
Black : are
Dee : To paraphrase Ghostbusters, I think that would be
extraordinarily dangerous.
Lundquist : Then the others follow up with a raid… What would
that gain us, exactly?
SGlancy12 : Yes, you could arrange for a few. 6 FBI agents?
Dee : Six would do it.
Lundquist : Oh yeah. Plus our NSA spook, recording everything.
Dee : Right. The FBI should be undercover–or most
undercover, & a couple waiting with shotguns.
Black : who contacts crisp needs to be real careful
Black : we are dealing with professionals
Dee : Here’s my plan for the meeting, roughly.
Dee : I should be the one to be in person where the meet
was supposed to go down.
Lundquist : I could do that.
Dee : I think you two should wait with an agent at another
Dee : A rental car stall or something.
Dee : The other agents should be in the area around the
Dee : If Crisp comes, I meet with him, like normally. If I
get the chance, I tell him to go to
Dee : the rental car stall.
Dee : If the goons decide to get involved right away, then
the five agents and I grab them.
Dee : If not, then we let Crisp go to meet you at the
stall. The agents watch for the goons.
Dee : I tail Crisp to make sure he goes where he’s supposed
to go.
Black : dee make it harder for the bad guys, meet in one of
the gate areas that will force him to go
Black : through security
SGlancy12 : Bingo!
SGlancy12 : Metal detectors.
Dee : Heh, I like that.
SGlancy12 : Of course you’ll loose your guns too.
Dee : Your FBI bodyguard could get past security with his
weapon–the goons couldn’t.
Lundquist : Can’t we just flash our ID’s?
Black : also it is bottle neck trying to get out (the same
way you come in)
SGlancy12 : FBI can stroll right through.
Dee : Exactly. Good call, Black.
Dee : So, does that sound like a plan for this afternoon?
SGlancy12 : Lundquist is the only guy allowed to pack heat. US
Amry ID doesn’t permit weapons.
Black : helps when you use to work at Dulles
SGlancy12 : US Attorney is considered LEO.
Dee : Heh heh, I guess I just need to be sneaky.
Lundquist : I could carry something through for each of you guys,
if you wanted… this is, after all, DG business
Lundquist : Also, should we alert airport police something is
going on? Have them ready to seal the exits,
Lundquist : that sort of thing?
SGlancy12 : I know they’d appreciate.
Lundquist : Might ABC be monitoring them somehow?
SGlancy12 : Now I know you guys are getting paranoid.
Lundquist : It would be SOP if this were a legitimate
Black : well, they are going to know some things up if six
FBI agents show there badges
Lundquist : Right.
Dee : I dunno… we can smooth ruffled feathers later, I
Dee : I’m afraid that if we bring Airport police into it,
they might be more likely to look like
Dee : something is up–and tip our quarry off too early.
Black : well, how soon until you are to meet crisp
SGlancy12 : Its no later than 10:30 am. Meeting at 6pm
Black : we always can take to the chief of police at the
airport to not notify his personal
Black : it meant talk
Lundquist : That would probably be the best bet.
Dee : All right. You’re the cop, Lundquist, you can handle
Black : since it is falling under federal jursidiction
Dee : I want to be at the airport early, like around 4 pm.
What else do we have to do before?
Lundquist : OK. I’ll contact the guy in charge of Airport
police, and tell him we’ll be moving a witness on a
Lundquist : commerical flight with some FBI security. We want to
keep it low-profile, so please don’t tell his
Lundquist : people about it. There’s no danger or anything like
that, strictly routine.
Lundquist : (That ought to scare him silly).
SGlancy12 : Yes it does.
Lundquist : I’m going to try to Persuade him that it’s just a
boring, routine movement of a witness.
Lundquist : Use my lawyering skills.
SGlancy12 : The Airport Police will cooperate as needed.
Lundquist : OK. Good enough.
SGlancy12 : “What do you need.”
Lundquist : “Nothing. Just letting you know we’ll be passing
through this evening.”
Lundquist : “Except for your people at the metal detectors, you
should never even know we’ve been there.”
Black : I think that we should station two of us or two from
the group of FBI agents near security
Black : so if there is a sceen we either could step in or
SGlancy12 : Has anybody called the Helena FBI Office yet?
Lundquist : Yes, I did.
Lundquist : To get our 6 agents.
SGlancy12 : There is a central security office with video
survailence of the Airport.
Lundquist : Meet at a motel near the airport, say 3:00 PM.
SGlancy12 : Actually Helena can just spare five.
Lundquist : Well, we’ll live with that.
SGlancy12 : “Agent Polston is out with the Flu.”
Lundquist : I tell you, the germs are in on this!
SGlancy12 : Well thank God USAMRIID is here.
Lundquist : Ah, they’re probably in on it too.
Dee : Right. Black, get on the Germs angle.
Dee :
Lundquist : OK. Jump ahead to three pm?
SGlancy12 : What about the USAF MPs?
Dee : One sec…
Dee : What to do with Wendell, also?
SGlancy12 : Indeed. He’s tired of stalking around in the woods.
Dee : I suppose we can leave Wendell on surveillance in the
RV while we go to the bust.
SGlancy12 : He’d much rather stay with the RV.
Dee : No reason to get him into the field again just yet.
Lundquist : Dont we want him at the airport?
Lundquist : (Much nicer than the woods, Wendel!)
Dee : I don’t know any reason for him to be out there.
Dee : (Be right back–go ahead with the MPs and other
Lundquist : Shouldn’t we have him recording everything for
SGlancy12 : Wendell monitoring the bugs “Hey there’s activity in
Crisp’s room!”
Lundquist : Huh?
Lundquist : “What’s going on?”
SGlancy12 : “Sounds like someone’s tossing the place.”
Lundquist : “Great. Let me know if you hear anyone speaking.”
Lundquist : (I hope Crisp didn’t keep a nice detailled diary!)
SGlancy12 : “I do. Two voices. They’re saying stuff like `look in
there,’ `check under that.’
Lundquist : About our USAF guys… This is going to look bad,
afterwards… “Federal troops with tanks raid
SGlancy12 : Yeesh
Lundquist : private property on Indian reservation.” The fallout
is going to be severe.
Lundquist : Are we prepared for that? Is that really what we
Lundquist : I mean, no matter who we call, it’s going to be
ugly… And the MP’s are the best force at our
Lundquist : disposal right now…
SGlancy12 : It won’t be quiet. The trick is not to get another
Waco or Ruby Ridge.
Dee : (Back)
SGlancy12 : There are things inside a pharmacuetical plant that
can go “boom.”
Dee : Well, this is a company–it’s not like we’re dealing
with cultists or fanatics here.
Lundquist : We’re going to have a Ruby Ridge no matter what we
Lundquist : How can we set this up so it comes out in our favor?
Play up the environmental angle?
Lundquist : Portray the company goons as well-armed,
necessitating the use of USAF troops?
Dee : Yeah. We’ll need to play up the official angles, and
have good enough grounding there
Dee : so that the ‘unofficial’ angles stay quiet.
Lundquist : Definitely.
SGlancy12 : Whose dealing with the USAF on this?
Dee : So, we need to have solid publicity-worthy reasoning
for thinking that kidnapping is involve
Dee : involved, and that we therefore had to take extreme
measures to prevent loss of life.
Dee : But that’s your job, Lundquist. Black and I are here
for the unofficial business.
Lundquist : Thanks. (mirthless smile)
Lundquist : Who should contact USAF? Me or the Colonel?
Dee : Lundquist is heading up this ‘task force,’ so he
ought to make the initial call.
Lundquist : Regardless, the Col will order them around when they
Dee : Then he can throw the Colonel at them when they want
verification of the military role.
SGlancy12 : Sounds right.
Lundquist : Ok, that’s how we’ll do it. I’ll call Malmstrom.
Dee : Right.. I want to set this up as a task force under
the operational control of USAMRIID.
Dee : Meaning, Black and me. So when the feds or the USAF
are about to go into Sapphire,
Dee : we can tell them to back off.
SGlancy12 : To cut to the chase, you convince the base commander
that this doesn’t violate the fed law
SGlancy12 : or the US constitution.
Lundquist : “Look into my eyes, General… You are getting very
SGlancy12 : One company in Hummers and LAV-25 wheeled APCs.
SGlancy12 : Major Wilks, base security chief will lead them out
Lundquist : How many LAV’s? One or two ought to be enough for
our needs… More than that might draw too much
Lundquist : attention…
Dee : Oh, and Col. Black–speaking of official lines, we
need to come up with a cover story
Dee : that we can publicize.
Lundquist : The cover store can be that they’re on a routine
crash-recovery exercise.
Dee : Something other than talking dog heads as the reason
for the USAMRIID investigation.
Black : the river was polluted
Black : and causing a health hazard
Lundquist : Once the raid starts, there’s a new cover story.
What Black said.
Dee : Polluted river is good for the EPA–would it be
enough to justify our involvement?
Black : possibly a biohazard
Lundquist : A bad biohazard.
Black : You know the fish are bad to eat
Dee : Could we use what was found in the river samples for
Lundquist : We’ll disort the truth if we have to…
Lundquist : (Naturally)
SGlancy12 : Whoops, my bad. No LAV-25s.
Dee : True. All right, we can use the river samples, with
a little modification, for publicity.
SGlancy12 : There are Hummers, Commando V-350 armored cars and
Peacekeeper Armored cars.
Lundquist : Doesn’t Air Force Securuty Police use something like
an armored Chevy Blazer? Peacekeeper, that’s it.
Dee : And to tell the MPs why they need to bug out at top
speeif and when we say to bug out.
Dee : With the emphasis on ‘bug’.
SGlancy12 : The Peacekeeper is bigger than that.
Lundquist : OK.
Dee : And we’ll have our FBI agents with sirens and Bucars
to lead the charge..
Lundquist : Banzai!
SGlancy12 : V-350 has a turret mounted .50 cal. The other
vehicles use pintle mounted .50s and 40mm AGLs
Dee : All right. All these discussions are taking up
time–so it’s probably about time to head
Dee : to the airport.
Dee : Where will we meet the five agents?
Lundquist : I still think we won’t need more than 2 or 3 armored
Dee : Why not? Use what force we have. The more firepower
we show, the less likely they’ll be to
Dee : test it. And the quicker the shooting will be over
if they do.
Lundquist : Well, ok. The time for sublety has long since
passed, I guess.
Lundquist : Meet the FBI agents near the airport, at a motel.
Dee : Once we start driving, the game is wide open.
SGlancy12 : There is one V-350, 8 Hummers and 8 peace keepers
Lundquist : Yeesh!
Dee : We can be sneaky until about six pm. After that I
think it will be time to hit hard.
Lundquist : That’ll show em.
SGlancy12 : All the subtlty of a falling concret black.
SGlancy12 : er, block.
Dee : Heh.
Lundquist : OK, on to the airport then?
Dee : So. Can we meet the FBI at the Great Falls Motel at
3 pm?
SGlancy12 : Okay. Do you want to be at the airport at 4pm?
SGlancy12 : Yes you can.
SGlancy12 : Where are the MPs to stage?
SGlancy12 : At Malmstrom?
Dee : Let’s do that, then. That will give us a few minutes
to brief them, before we move out.
Lundquist : How far a march is that from the ABC plant?
Dee : Good question: what’s the driving time between
Malmstrom and ABC?
SGlancy12 : Its a 2 hour drive. 3 hours with slower moving
armored cars.
Dee : I think it’s about two hours’ drive from GF to ABC.
Lundquist : OK, stage from Malmstrom.
Dee : Right.
SGlancy12 : Okay, where’s Wendell?
Lundquist : Does he come along and bug the airport, or chill out
at the RV?
Dee : Wendell should stay at the RV monitoring things.
Dee : Monitoring the ABC laser mikes, and any bugs we want
to prepare.
SGlancy12 : Now what about that warrant? The Kidnapping thing>
Lundquist : That’s what I did last session.
Dee : Kidnapping, EPA… let’s do RICO if we can manage it.
SGlancy12 : Okay, you do have a search warrant for Thomas
Ironshirt, possible kidnap victim and EPA stuff
Dee : Hmmm, that’s right.
Lundquist : Someone should head out and take a look at the plant,
to see if anyone leaves to head for the airport
Lundquist : around 4 PM…
SGlancy12 : Who?
Dee : I don’t suppose Wendell installed video camereas
alongside the lasers, did he?
SGlancy12 : Wendel’s gonna hate that.
SGlancy12 : No he didn’t. But he can pirate their own signal.
SGlancy12 : Tap ABC’s cameras.
Dee : Can he? Can he do it without tipping them off?
Lundquist : For real? Remind me not to get the NSA mad at me!
SGlancy12 : Yep. Figured you might want a look now and then.
Dee : I look at him hard as he responds–is he getting
carried away, or is he being realistic?
SGlancy12 : Only the external cameras. I’ll be taping he signal
as it leaves the camera into the landlin
SGlancy12 : I have to be able to see a camera to pull this off.
And its not the best picture.
Dee : “So you’ll need to get out there again to set it up?”
Dee : Well. Should we split up? One of us go with Wendell
while the other two go to
Dee : the airport?
Lundquist : I think maybe we should.
Dee : Hmmm… I hate to stick Black with the boring job,
but we’ll need Lundquist there to
Dee : talk to the FBI, I think.
Lundquist : The team watching ABC could always hop in the
Explorer and race to the airport… They might even
Lundquist : beat Crisp/ABC people there.
Dee : All right, let’s try that.
Dee : Sound good, Black?
Black : I’ll stay with wendell if you want me to
SGlancy12 : Okay. The two of you trudge out there again?
Dee : Okay. So, Wendell and Black head to ABC right away
to set up the video link.
Dee : Lundquist and I go to Great Falls to meet with the
FBI in a motel room at 3 pm.
Dee : We go to the Airport at 4pm and get in position.
Dee : W&B head for the airport as soon as they get the
video running.
Dee : Looks like that’s the plan.
SGlancy12 : Okay, It’ll take until 2pm to set up the link, Do
Wendell and Black keep watch?
Lundquist : I think they should.
SGlancy12 : At the RV or on site.
Dee : After they set the link up, Wendell should watch it
from the RV I think.
Lundquist : At the site. If nobody’s coming to the meet, I want
to know about it.
Lundquist : If ten carloads are coming, I want to know about that
as well.
SGlancy12 : Okay.
Dee : At the site? Heh, okay.
Dee : Extreme circumstances and all. He can be there to fix
it if the link screws up.
SGlancy12 : By 4pm you Lundquist, Dee and 5 FBI agents are in the
Lundquist : They can take off at 4:30 or when a group leaves the
plant, whichever comes first.
SGlancy12 : And Black and Wendell are watching the 4pm shift
change at the plant.
SGlancy12 : Lots of people are leaving. Coming and going.
Lundquist : I familiarize myself with the layout, find the exits,
gague how paranoid the Airport Police are,
Lundquist : that sort of thing.
Dee : Right–use the time at the airport to get very
familiar with it, tactically speaking.
Dee : The plan there is for Lundquist and one agent to wait
at the Hertz counter, or another
Dee : counter that is NOT within eyesight of the United
Lundquist : Errr… Forgot about the shift change. No way of
telling who’s going to the airport, if anyone.
Dee : Well, does the shift change involve many cars
Dee : I thought most worked and lived on-site.
SGlancy12 : Yes, dozens of cars. Black, niether you nor Wendell
see Crisp leave.
Black : scott don’t we know usually who leaves are this time?
Lundquist : And if so, any that stick out?
SGlancy12 : This is the end of Crisp’s shift.
Lundquist : Any big limos or armored cars or security vehichles
or such?
Dee : How many cars leave loaded with two or more people?
SGlancy12 : No, just ratty cars used by indians who live locally.
SGlancy12 : Lots of carpooling.
SGlancy12 : Crisp’s car is still in the parking lot.
Lundquist : Nothing non-ratty?
Dee : Okay. Not looking good so far, but we’ll wait it
Lundquist : Right.
Dee : Four agents should be in the vicinity of the United
counter, plainclothes and being inconspi
Dee : cuous.
Black : one of them is probly one of the hit groups
Dee : I’ll just wait at the United Counter, biding time and
SGlancy12 : Black. Around 5pm you see a group of men walking from
the plant to the Waste Incinerator.
SGlancy12 : There are six of them.
Dee : Oh boy.
Lundquist : RIP, Dr C…
SGlancy12 : Wendel passes you the binoculars.
Black : i look in the binocules to get a better picture
Black : try to get a better picture of the six of them
SGlancy12 : It looks like Galt, two of his people, Deshiel and two of his
security guys.
SGlancy12 : They are walking and talking.
OnlineHost: KJPotter has left the room.
Dee : Carrying a largish bag…?
SGlancy12 : They enter the incinerator building. No. They’re carrying nothing.
Dee : Does Galt match any of those passports?
SGlancy12 : Wendel starts scambling around with this electronic ears.
SGlancy12 : No. No passport for anyone named Galt.
Dee : I meant visually, the photos, actually.
SGlancy12 : Wendell’s trying to reposition a parabolic mike.
SGlancy12 : No photos that are available.
SGlancy12 :: Suns begining to go down, the whole plant and river are bathed in
Black : when they come back in I going to take some photos of the group
SGlancy12 : Wendell announces he can’t get anything on the mike.
OnlineHost : KJPotter has entered the room.
Lundquist : Sorry… Somebody tried to make a call on the modem
line here.
Lundquist : What’d I miss?
SGlancy12 : After 20 minutes, Galts men come out. One waits by
the door.
SGlancy12 : The other returns to the plant.
Black : i try to photo the group
Dee : Here it comes…
SGlancy12 : In five minutes he emerges with four more of Galt’s
men and they go to the chopper and pull
SGlancy12 : out several large footlocker sized trunks and return
to the plant.
Dee : Messy!
SGlancy12 : Hey Black, the Incinerator just got fired up. Smoke
is belching.
Black : i think they are desrtoying evidence
Lundquist : Heh heh… Take a sample.
SGlancy12 : In another ten minutes Galt emerges from the waste
disposal building and he and his man walk
SGlancy12 : into the plant.
Black : what’s wendell hearing
SGlancy12 : They’re talking together. Sounds like German,
Black : does wendell know german?
Dee : I think I wish we could sabotage that helicopter like
right now.
Lundquist : We can do better, Dee… We can sabotage their
Learjet. How far away is the other airport?
Dee : Lundquist, I like your thinking.
SGlancy12 : “Nope. But I’ve seen alot of WWII movies.”
Black : what time is it
Lundquist : We need some fast cars. I look at the Hertz lady and
ask what she’s got.
SGlancy12 : Missoula is 160 miles away by car.
Lundquist : Gotta beat the chopper there…
SGlancy12 : Its 5:45pm
Dee : We’d have to get somebody already in Missoula to do
Black : some call crisp again to check if he is still meeting
Dee : Are there any personnel in Missoula who we can have
sit on the jet?
Black : i turn to wendell and ask if you can get galt’s cell
Dee : An FBI agent or two, maybe?
SGlancy12 : Missoula PD? FBI in Helena? They’re only 100 miles
SGlancy12 : “Where would I begin? I’ll see if there’s any cell
traffic though.”
Dee : Well, we already have all the available Helena FBI
Lundquist : OK, then we need a chopper of our own. Is there a
rental outfit at the Great Falls airport?
Lundquist : Or an airplane… We don’t need to land vertically,
since MIssoula is an airport…
SGlancy12 : Wendell says he’s picking up some cell traffic. but
its encrypted.
Dee : We could ask the FBI agents who are helping us to
contact someone reliable
Dee : on the Missoula PD, maybe.
SGlancy12 : The FBI guys will see what they can do about
SGlancy12 : “Do you want the plane watched?”
Lundquist : Yes. Definitely.
Dee : Good. Meanwhile, W&B can see if they can get any
interesting cell traffic.
Dee : Yep.
Dee : And we can sit on the airport.
Dee : I’ll use a payphone to call Crisp’s cell number
Lundquist : Good idea.
SGlancy12 : No answer from Crisp.
Dee : Drat.
Lundquist : Is it 6pm yet?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Lundquist : Anybody showing up?
SGlancy12 : Wendel says someone just called all the ABC plant
security guards and asked them to report
SGlancy12 : to the security office.
Dee : Anybody paying attention to us at the United counter?
SGlancy12 : Nope. No activity at the airport.
Dee : Wendell is on site now. Can he train one of the
lasers on the security office?
Lundquist : The airport’s a bust, methinks… Can we hire a helo
here? We need to get to Missoula, or Malmstrom
Lundquist : asap…
SGlancy12 : Wendell and Black can see men moving from the front
gate back to the plant.
OnlineHost: KJPotter has left the room.
SGlancy12 : Malmstrom is 10 minutes away
SGlancy12 : I just know Keith screamed out loud.
Dee : I bet you’re right.
Dee : Well, can Wendell get a laser to read anything from the Sec.
SGlancy12 : Black, the security office is deep inside the facility. No way to
hit a window with a laser.
Dee : Ack. Nuts.
SGlancy12 : But you do notice that the front gate is unattended.
Dee : Storm it!
Dee : Heh.
Black : I call dee
Dee : “Yes.”
Black : I fill him on the situation
Dee : Okay. Time for the Exigent Circumstances option, I think.
Dee : Get Lundquist to call Malmstrom, make sure they are ready to
Black : do you think i should try to get in
Black : I not the best sneaker
Dee : “No way. They might be back at the post by the time you got that
Dee : “And they have cameras going to pick you up, anyway.”
Black : what phone # do we have
SGlancy12 : For what?
Black : the plants and personal #
SGlancy12 : You have a phone # for ABC.
Black : I know wendell got a few phone #
SGlancy12 : And for Crisp and Turner and the security office.
Black : hey no sign of crisp?
SGlancy12 : No sign of Crisp.
SGlancy12 : Its getting dark out.
Black : I call turners #
Dee : It’ll be a lot darker if we do this raid tonight. 😛
SGlancy12 : Office or Cell?
Black : office first
SGlancy12 : No Answer.
SGlancy12 : No Answer on Cell either.
Dee : Now that is interesting.
Black : I call the ABC #
SGlancy12 : Wendell says there’s someone in Turner’s office.
Black : Then i call turners office again
SGlancy12 : They’re firing up Turners Computer.
SGlancy12 : No Answer from Turner’s office.
Black : I keep letting it ring
Black : if it ring four times if i have to
SGlancy12 : Using the Tempest equipment Wendell watches every keystroke.
SGlancy12 : No one picks up in the office.
SGlancy12 : Although there is a pause in the keystrokes as if the user is
annoyed by the ringing.
Black : what’s going on outside the plant?
OnlineHost: KJPotter has entered the room.
Lundquist : And I’m back again.
Dee : And what’s this anonymous user typing?
Dee : Cool. No shows at the airport. Security was called
away from the front gate at the plant.
SGlancy12 : He’s opening files for something called “Sapphire.”
Lundquist : Sounds menacing…
Dee : No answers from Turner’s office or cellphone, but
someone is using Turner’s
Dee : computer in his office.
SGlancy12 : Wendel “Holy shit! Now he’s deleting them! He’s
deleting everything.”
Dee : Yeah, Sapphire is the name of the project involved
Dee : Oy vey. Lundquist, I think it is time to rock and
Lundquist : Does the typing have a German accent?
Lundquist : Are we still at the airport?
Black : I get him this time. I call the phone # and little
it ring writing in morse code
SGlancy12 : He’s fired up some kind of security program call
Phage. It’s deleteing everything in the
SGlancy12 : mainframe.
Black : by hanging up and calling again and again
Black : saying I know who you are
Black : and I know what you are doing
SGlancy12 : Are you still at the airport? You tell me.
Dee : Still at the airport.
Lundquist : Time to go. What are the chances we could hire a
chopper here?
Dee : Malmstrom is only 10 minutes from GF.
Lundquist : Ah, let’s go there then.
Lundquist : Fast. With our FBI friends.
Dee : If we want to ride with the cavalry, we’re nearly
there already.
Dee : Right. Tell Malmstrom to hit the road, and count on
them getting there after us?
SGlancy12 : Wendel after about ten rings, the typers says
“Schise!” and picks up, hangs up and leaves
SGlancy12 : the reciever off.
Dee : Hah! Good work, Black. 🙂
Lundquist : Yeah. Get the air force rolling. I still think we
need an aircraft of our own… Preferably a helo…
Dee : You want to chopper it over there? Sounds good to
me. Is there one to get at GF airport?
SGlancy12 : At Malmstrom, there are several Helos available!
Dee : Heh heh, I suppose the Air Force Base _would_ be a
place to look…
Lundquist : Duh. Let’s go grab a helo or three and a squad of
security troops.
Black : where is the helocopter at the plant
Dee : As the Flight of the Valkyries swells in the
SGlancy12 : Huey, Blackhawk, and AH-6 utility choppers.
Lundquist : The ground column should hit the road as well.
Dee : “Ah! I love the smell of shoggoths in the morning.
It’s the smell of…”
Dee : “…well, not quite victory… but something…”
SGlancy12 : Two Black Hawks available. 30 minutes to prep and
take off.
Dee : All right. Call them up, ask them to get ready to
fly, then we collect our agents and go.
SGlancy12 : Each Blackhawk can carry a crew of 3 and 11 men.
SGlancy12 : Do you send rest of the
Dee : Sounds good to me. That will allow us, the agents,
and 15 MPs ASAP.
Black : Scott where is the helocopter
Black : at the plant
SGlancy12 : Its on a helopad on the grounds.
Black : how close is it to me
Dee : Hmmm… dammit, we’ll need the biohazard suits if
this is to be convincing, though.
Dee : And they are no doubt still at the RV.
Lundquist : At this point, being convincing might be a luxury we
can’t afford.
SGlancy12 : Its about half a mile away.
Black : I need to ground that helocopter
Dee : You’re right. We can get that gear later for the
photo op.
Lundquist : We can’t let these guys get away.
Dee : We have someone sitting on their jet, right? And we
are coming in helicopters.
Lundquist : If their chopper leaves, we just change direction and
head for Missoula.
Dee : Yeah. I don’t think they’ll be getting away.
Dee : BTW… do the FBI agents or the MPs have any spare
flak vests…?
SGlancy12 : MPs do.
Lundquist : Can we get some vests from the MP’s? And maybe
helmets, too?
Lundquist : (Don’t want to stick out too much as important people
when the shooting starts…)
SGlancy12 : Yes, you can.
SGlancy12 : It’s 150 miles as the crow flies to ABC. Thats 40
minutes by air.
Black : any movement stirring on the plant. The guard still
SGlancy12 : Yes the guard’s still gone.
Black : are the gates open?
Dee : This is fishier than a trout farm.
SGlancy12 : Wendell says whoever is erasing files in just about
Lundquist : How soon till the choppers launch?
SGlancy12 : There’s a gate that lowers into place, it’s down, but
no one’s at the gate.
SGlancy12 : They’re rushing. 10 minutes. They had to be fueled.
Black : are there any guards roaming the grounds?
SGlancy12 : No. Just the dogs in their run.
Dee : I’ll wait, briefcase in hand. If the MPs’ squad
leaders are available we can use the
Dee : interim to go over the plans.
SGlancy12 : They are available. Do you want the rest of the
company to follow on the ground?
Dee : Yes.
Black : how many dogs are there?
SGlancy12 : About 12 dogs.
SGlancy12 : They MP convoy gets rolling .
Black : how close is the run to us
SGlancy12 : Its about 2 fifths of a mile.
Dee : I’ll go over the physical structure of the facility,
the dogs, known numbers and equipment
Dee : of security personnel.
SGlancy12 : The MPs look apprehensive about this, but listen
Dee : “Most security here is local, so I expect they’ll be
smart. Be careful of hotheads, though.”
Black : how is the cover near the pens? can i get close
SGlancy12 : You can get within 50 yards of the fence before cover
is non-existant.
Dee : “Just remember: we’re going to execute a search
warrant. I expect they won’t put up a fuss.”
Dee : “But we need your help, in case they do.”
Dee : “And remember this, too: this place is a biochemical
research facility.”
Dee : “Some areas of it are off-limits. We won’t go in
there until the place is secure.”
Dee : “That means, when I give the word for you to stay
clear of an area, you DO it.”
SGlancy12 : “Got it.”
SGlancy12 : “You must be expecting the worst. And this whole
things sounds real shoestring to me” says a
SGlancy12 : Captain.
Dee : “Expecting the worst ain’t the same as preparing for
the worst, Captain.”
Dee : “They do have some hardcases on staff, so I want to
be ready enough that they do the smart
Dee : thing and stay quiet.”
SGlancy12 : Hey Black. You just saw something funny.
Black : where
Black : is our bear friend back
Black : i throw it a granola bar
Lundquist : Throw it Wendel.
Dee : Is that “Hah hah” funny, or “Oh holy shit!” funny?
SGlancy12 : Down by the plant. A guys dressed in Black cammos
with a ski mask just ran out to the dorms.
Dee : !!
Dee : My buds! What are they doing here?
Lundquist : Got a rifle, Black?
Black : are we expecting help?
Dee : No, I was being a smartass.
Lundquist : Did he run with a German accent?
SGlancy12 : The goes to one of the rooms and kneels by the lock.
Black : I photograph the man
Black : say cheese
Dee : “Just don’t LOOK like you’re going in to kill them
all. I don’t know. Sneak casual!”
SGlancy12 : Then he stands and knocks.
Black : where did he come from? the plant
SGlancy12 : When the door opens he puts his shoulder into it and
rushes in.
SGlancy12 : Yes he came from the plant.
Dee : Which room is this?
Dee : Do we know its occupant?
Black : what is security doing?
Dee : And can Wendell hear anything inside with the laser?
SGlancy12 : He comes back out in a few seconds and closes they
door. Looks like he locks it too.
SGlancy12 : Wendell “Sounded like a supressor. Double tap.”
Black : any gunshots fired?
Dee : This just can not be good.
Lundquist : Ouch. Whose room?
Dee : Heh. Any word on when we’ll be in the air?
Black : how close are the other two
SGlancy12 : Security? You haven’t seen a security guard uniform
since they were all called to the
SGlancy12 : security office.
Dee : And how often are we getting updates from Black?
Lundquist : Jesus.
SGlancy12 : You guys at Malstrom can be airborne now
Black : I could try to drop him with the hunting rifle
Lundquist : Whup whup whup whup…
SGlancy12 : The commando low runs back to the plant.
Dee : “I wouldn’t recommend it. Your first shot, they’ll
know to get people out to find you.”
Lundquist : Don’t do anything, Black… We need the element of
Dee : “You and Wendell would most likely get made dead,
very quick.”
Dee : He says on the conference call, hopefully out of
earshot of the AF captain…
Black : guys I have to do something now if not then all the
evidence is gone
SGlancy12 : Wendel says “I don’t even fucking know which end the
bullets come out!”
Dee : “I’m telling you, there’s nothing you can do. Watch,
take notes, and wait for the cavalry.”
Lundquist : We don’t need evidence. If they’ve killed people,
we’ll just kill them. Remember, this isn’t going
Lundquist : to court…
SGlancy12 : DG motto “We’re not interested in due process. We’re
exterminators, not cops.”
Dee : Heh, I like that.
SGlancy12 : Wendell is looking VERY sweaty.
Black : I give him a gonola bar and tell him to sit tight
Dee : “Stay cool, Wendell. You’re safe as mice up there on
the ridge.”
Dee : “The bad guys will have their hands very full in a
few minutes.”
Black : how far out is the cavarly
Dee : While we’re in flight and suited up in flak suits, I
open up my briefcase.
SGlancy12 : 40 minutes.
Dee : Check the MP5SD first, double-check its action, laser
sight, suppressor.
Dee : Then check the power to the night-goggles, and pocket
an extra battery.
Lundquist : I look impressed.
Dee : Once I’m satisfied with the gear, I give Lundquist a
wink. Just another day.
Lundquist : I just make sure my handgun is loaded and ready.
Black : wendell come down I want you to scan the plant see if
you can pick up anything interesting
Black : or unusual
SGlancy12 : Wendel says that there’s alot of encrypted radio
Black : can you break it
SGlancy12 : “Not so that’s be useful. Throw a Cray at this
chatter and I’ll have a transcript in a week.
Lundquist : Tape the chatter.
Dee : If there’s a pocket on the flak vest, I’ll use it to
store my Sig Sauer and clips.
SGlancy12 : No pockets. You need an equipment harness.
Dee : Is there one aboard?
SGlancy12 : Nope. Missed yer luck roll.
Dee : Nuts. How long is the vest? Does it cover the
wasteline and pants pockets?
SGlancy12 : Yep.
Dee : All right. I guess the pistol stays in its holster,
beneath the vest then.
Dee : Hopefully this HK won’t jam.
Lundquist : I don a vest too. Pistol in hand, safety catch on.
Dee : whup-whup-whup-whup
SGlancy12 : What are you doing Black?
Black : staying put and keeping a eye out
Dee : Chatter en route. “You ever been in a shooting
match, Lundquist?”
SGlancy12 : Tell him about London!
Dee : Yeah, tell me about London! 😉
Lundquist : “Oh yeah. Can’t say as I’m too fond of them.”
Dee : “Nobody is. Least, nobody who stays alive too long.
But that’s good to know.”
Lundquist : “I was in the Gulf in 91, but I missed out on the shooting
there. Saw a lot of the aftermath of it though.”
Lundquist : Scott, FWIW I’m going to ask the pilot if he
Lundquist : feels comfortable making a low-level approach to
minimize the chances that our approach will be heard.
SGlancy12 : He suggests following the river and coming in behind
the facility. Opposite side of from
SGlancy12 : the front gate.
Lundquist : I’ll defer to his professional opinion.
SGlancy12 : It’ll add five minutes to our appoach?
Lundquist : Good enough.
Dee : How do the agents and MPs in the copter with us look?
Dee : Do any of them look TOO nervous?
SGlancy12 : Some have stupid smiles on their faces, young lawyer
types who’ve never been in the military
SGlancy12 : The older guys and ex-mil types just look tense.
Dee : Okay. How many of the five fall into the former
SGlancy12 : Two. Okay. Black, you and Wendell hear the choppers
as they circle around for the river
SGlancy12 : approach.
Lundquist : I say we hold off as long as possible to wait for the
ground column. Or do we want to go right in?
SGlancy12 : That means about 5 minutes until they touch down!
Dee : (Please don’t let them have surface to air
missiles…Please don’t let them have surface…)
SGlancy12 : Unless you hold off
Lundquist : What do you day, Dee? Scott, what’s the column’s
SGlancy12 : They’ll be here in two hours ten minutes.
Lundquist : Okay, that’s too long. Shall we go in?
Dee : The point of flying in was to get a jump on things.
Dee : We have 26 troops with us and the five agents.
Dee : That will probably be enough to move in with… if we
encounter some STIFF
Dee : resistance, then we back off and wait for the other
94 to arrive.
Black : anyone showing interest on the plant to the noise?
SGlancy12 : No activity on the ground.
Lundquist : If they’re indoors they won’t hear us at all.
Dee : I call Wendell to tell him to have those pass-codes
ready to read off.
Black : if they radar though
Lundquist : We’ve got to just go in quick.
Dee : I don’t think they have radar. Wendell said their
ELINT was for shit.
Lundquist : Hit them before they can organize a reaction.
Dee : errr… ESEC? Whatever.
SGlancy12 : Wendel has the pass codes. No he never detected
Dee : So yeah. Let’s land, and MOVE MOVE MOVE.
Lundquist : First objective: Admin building, or the production
Lundquist : I say the latter. I think the Admin building is over
Dee : Both. Have one unit on the production unit exits,
one entering the Admin bldg, and
Dee : the third ready to move in to support either of
Lundquist : Should we disable the Jet Ranger, too?
Black : disable the copter
Lundquist : I’m not sure I like splitting up that much…
Dee : Oh yeah. Where is the helipad in comparison to the
admin and production bldgs again?
Lundquist : If we leave the Jet Ranger operational, we can always
chase it down… It’s not going to outrun a
Lundquist : Blackhawk.
Black : have your copter pull out
SGlancy12 : The helicpad is 100 yards outside the main building.
Lundquist : If we disable it, we might force them to “improvise”
an overland escape which will be more
Lundquist : difficult to chase down.
Dee : Good point.
Dee : Wendell and Black can keep their eyes peeled, and we
can have our choppers ready
Dee : if the Ranger takes off.
Lundquist : The choppers should lift off as soon as we jump out
and orbit a short distance away in case we need
Lundquist : them.
Lundquist : Do they have door gunners?
Dee : Good idea.
SGlancy12 : Yes. One M-60 per bird.
Lundquist : We can call on them for fire support, too, if we need
Dee : “We’re here to execute a search warrant of this
facility. Will you open the door please?”
Dee : All right, let’s go in.
Lundquist : Not. Smash! “Federal agents!” Blam! Blam! “Search
warrant!” Blam! Blam! “Freeze!”
SGlancy12 : Okay. Where do you want to put down? On the
facility’s roof? On the grounds?
Dee : We have three choppers, right?
SGlancy12 : Two.
Dee : I’d think only one could land on the roof.
Lundquist : The roof sounds good. Physical security should be
oriented towards keeping people out from the ground.
Lundquist : Two choppers, one right after the other, dropping us
off on the roof.
Dee : Ack, I thought it was three. So we only have 22
passengers total. 15 MPs plus us + agents.
Lundquist : Yep.
SGlancy12 : There is access to the roof, but its limited. No big
stairways, just ladders,
Lundquist : Well, then that sounds not so good.
Lundquist : How far is the production unit from the admin
SGlancy12 : All are connected.
Lundquist : Really? Aboveground?
SGlancy12 : The four production units are like clover leafs, the
Admin section in the middle of them.
SGlancy12 : Yes above ground.
Lundquist : I see. I guess we land on the grounds, then, near
the Saphire cloverleaf. OK Dee?
Dee : Yep.
SGlancy12 : Black? What are you doing?
Black : just keeping a eye out over the plant to warn the
other two if anything strange is happen or
Black : some one is making a break for it
Black : tell wendell to keep a eye out as well
SGlancy12 : Okay. the Blackhawks touch down and the MPs and
agents spill out.
Dee : Yeah, Wendell needs to be moving those mikes around a
SGlancy12 : Wendell says that encrypted chatter just went off the
Lundquist : They just heard us coming.
Lundquist : Have we landed yet?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : Right. Stay low, running in a crouch, and move
toward the Sapphire entrance as the others
Dee : move into position.
SGlancy12 : Don’t forger the video cameras.
Lundquist : I’m with Dee.
Dee : Aiiie… not much we can do about those, is there?
SGlancy12 : You all low run to the building. The Blackhawks
dust-off and pull back.
Lundquist : Nope. Just move fast, hit them hard.
SGlancy12 : There is the front door and a loading dock on the
Saphire unit.
SGlancy12 : Roll-down door at dock is closed.
Dee : Do we have access codes for each?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : I head for the dock, then. Wider door, better for
SGlancy12 : Who hits the lock?
Dee : “Code!”
Dee : Dee, Lundquist, the five agents.
Dee : Say, four MPs for muscle. Two teams of 11?
SGlancy12 : “Hit 859173!”
Lundquist : Works for me.
Dee : I hit 859173, then back off kneeling, laser sight
pointed at the door.
SGlancy12 : Where’s the second MP team?
Lundquist : Backing us up, covering our rear, looking for
Lundquist : Esp from the admin building.
SGlancy12 : The door rolls up
Dee : Right… hopefully watching the other entrances.
SGlancy12 : Lots of light inside.
Lundquist : Anything moving?
SGlancy12 : . . . No. Lots of silver looking pipes though.
Lundquist : Let’s move in!
SGlancy12 : The interior looks like a white-sterile environment.
Dee : Right, I signal for my team to follow, and move in
low and quick.
SGlancy12 : The MPs and agents move in after you.
SGlancy12 : There doesn’t appear to be anyone in the unit.
Dee : Is anything interesting here?
SGlancy12 : You can hear equipment humming and throbbing.
Dee : What is the layout like?
SGlancy12 : The interior is a 3 story area. Open in the center,
with tanks lining the walls.
SGlancy12 : It goes down two stories.
Dee : Exits?
Lundquist : Leave the second team to cover the entrance and keep
an eye on the admin building & helo pad.
SGlancy12 : There are directly across from you is an entrance
into the admin section.
Dee : Yeah.
Lundquist : Want to go that way? Or down?
SGlancy12 : There is a stairway marked that leads lower down.
Dee : It’s open–can we see where the stairway leads?
SGlancy12 : Also, on the wall with the Admin entrance there is a
control room. Glass enclosed.
SGlancy12 : There’s no one in it.
Lundquist : Anyone in there?
Lundquist : Ok
SGlancy12 : Nope.
Dee : I want to clear the upper level first. I head for
the admin area.
SGlancy12 : Lots of noise in here.
Lundquist : I follow Dee. What do we hear?
SGlancy12 : Okay. The door rquires a code. You hear the thrumming
of equipment.
SGlancy12 : The sounds of liquids moving through tubes.
Dee : To Wendell: “Do we have a code here? Interior door,
Sapphire to Admin.”
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Lundquist : To the MP’s: “Don’t touch anything!”
SGlancy12 : “Hit 657438”
Dee : I hit 657438, then back up, go low, and aim.
SGlancy12 : The door cyles like an airlock. Its large. Ten feet
high and 15 feer wide.
Dee : Weird.
SGlancy12 : It opens to reveal a plain hallway.
Lundquist : Let’s go!
Dee : “Do we have the code for the other side if this thing
closes behind us?”
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : I move in, low and quick, laser sight trained ahead.
SGlancy12 : “Hit 297461”
Lundquist : I’m right behind him in a two-handed Cooper stance
with my USP.
Dee : If that’s the code to get back through, I file it in
my memory.
SGlancy12 : The MPs and Agents are right behind you.
SGlancy12 : The next door cycles and you are in a long hallway.
SGlancy12 : There’s a directory on the wall.
Dee : Look, listen. If nothing, then I move in.
Dee : Motion the team to cover the exits, and then check
out the directory.
SGlancy12 : Nothing moving, nothing making noise.
SGlancy12 : It notes which way to the other prodcution units, to
the cafeteria, Infirmary etc.
SGlancy12 : Someone is coming down the hall.
SGlancy12 : You hear footsteps.
SGlancy12 : casual footsteps. Rubber sole shoes squeeking.
Dee : How far down the hall can we see?
SGlancy12 : About 20 meters
Dee : Then what–it turns a corner, and the steps are
coming from around the corner?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Lundquist : Move up to the corner as quickly & quietly as
possible and wait.
Dee : Aim down the hall. Keep the laser sight deactivated
until the walker is in sight.
Dee : I’ll pace behind Lundquist if he goes ahead down the
SGlancy12 : Around the corner comes some guy in white plastic
coveralls carrying a clipboard.
Dee : But I move slowly, the gun aimed.
Lundquist : Gun to his head. “Freeze!” (quietly)
SGlancy12 : He looks very suprsed to see you!
Dee : Laser goes on to him.
Lundquist : I pull him around the corner.
SGlancy12 : He drops clipboard. Hands go up.
Dee : Laser sight stays between his eyes as he gets pulled.
Lundquist : “Stay quiet!” I hiss at him, gun to his head.
SGlancy12 : He says something like “W-w-w-w-w-hu?”
Dee : According to that directory, where is Security in
comparison to us?
Lundquist : “Shut up! Don’t move!”
SGlancy12 : Its about 100 meters away, after you traverse all the
Dee : Okay. I take the sight off of the white-coat’s head
and peek around the corner.
Dee : Oops.
Lundquist : I motion for one of our agents to cuff the

[ SGlancy12 leaves the chat ]

Black : that’s not good
Dee : Have to wait for Scott to sign back on.
Black : well I guess we win then
Dee : Heh.
Lundquist : Good for us!
Dee : So what’s the SAN reward?
Black : 100
Lundquist : A million points each, I’d say… After all, with
Scott gone, the whole Mythos threat ceases to exist!
Black : that’s a good one
Black : the brings back bad memories of london
Black : soldiers guns and explosion
Dee : Wish I’d have been there. 😉

[ SGlancy12 joins the chat ]

Dee : Whoohoo!
SGlancy12 : Did you kill em all while I was gone?
Dee : Yeah. So what was the last thing you saw, Scott?
We’ll fill you in on the rest.
SGlancy12 : So anyway. What next?
Dee : The scientist has been pulled around the corner.
Lundquist said he was cuffing him.
Dee : Being foolish, I poke my head around the corner to
see if anyone else is there.
SGlancy12 : He’s blubbering about “What? Who? Why?”
Lundquist : And I tell one of the FBI guys to cuff the white coat
and sit on him.
SGlancy12 : Nobody around the corner.
Dee : Time for an impromptu interrogation.
Lundquist : I also identify myself as a Federal agent serving a
search warrant.
Dee : I turn to the scientist and speak quietly. “What’s
your name?”
Lundquist : I look around for cameras.
SGlancy12 : “Warrant? What for? Um Tom. My name’s Tom Schaeffer.”
SGlancy12 : Oh look! There’s a camera.
Lundquist : “We need your cooperation Mr Shaeffer. Failure to do
so will result in your being charged with
Lundquist : criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice.”
Dee : “How many personnel are in the Administration
building and the Sapphire facility?”
SGlancy12 : About eight feet from you, in the upper corner.
Lundquist : Oh well.
Dee : Heh, not like we’re taking the bigshots by surprise.
Just the scientists.
Lundquist : We rule!
SGlancy12 : Uh, there’s like six people on duty in there. The
only admin people are the security and
SGlancy12 : janitorial staff.”
Dee : “How many in Sapphire?”
Lundquist : I saw we leave this guy and get on to the big fish.
Can we cuff him to a pipe or something?
Lundquist : Or should we take him with us?
Dee : We can send him with one of the agents to deliver to
the reserve team to sit on.
SGlancy12 : “Six. There’s two in the control room and four do
on-site inspection and maintenance.”
Dee : But I want to ask him a couple more questions.
Dee : “How many security and janitors, Tom?”
Lundquist : OK, go ahead… I pick up his clipboard. What does
it say?
SGlancy12 : Its a list of things that need to be done tonight in
another Unit.
SGlancy12 : “Eight security guards, I think. And, uh, maybe ten
Lundquist : OK. “Mr Shaeffer, do you know where the German guys
are who came in on the helicopter?”
Dee : “Mr. Galt and his associates.”
SGlancy12 : “What German guys? I haven’t seen any German guys.”
Lundquist : “Very well. Are you done with him, Dee?”
SGlancy12 : “I just got here at four, I wasn’t here this
Lundquist : “Where’s Turner?”
Dee : “When was the last time you saw Dlct
Dee : ack, let me try again
Dee : “And when was the last time you saw Doctors Metereaux
and Crisp?”
SGlancy12 : I haven’t seen Dr. Metreaux or Crisp. I think they’re
in one of the labs.
SGlancy12 : “I saw Mr. Turner about an hour ago. He was with a
couple of guys I hadn’t seen before.
Lundquist : “Where?”
SGlancy12 : They were headed to the research wing.
Dee : “Which lab do you work in?”
SGlancy12 : I work in the Diamond Unit.
Dee : (Was the research wing on the directory?)
SGlancy12 : Yes it is,
Dee : (Where is it (research) in comparison to us?)
Lundquist : “How do we get there?”
SGlancy12 : Its past security, about 200 meters of hallway.
Dee : “All right. Dr. Schaeffer, you need to go with Agent
Larson here.” I hand him off to
Dee : one of the agents. “Take him up top and have the
others sit on him.”
SGlancy12 : Larson will take him outside to sit down and be
Dee : “Well, Lundquist. Do we hit Sapphire first, or
Lundquist : Research, I’d say.
Lundquist : We can hit security on the way.
Dee : “Sounds good.” I move around the corner, again in a
careful crouch.
SGlancy12 : Your train of crouched agents come single file down
the hall.
Dee : Do the internal cameras have microphones?
SGlancy12 : They don’t appear to.
Dee : Okay. Heading toward security, ears peeled…
Lundquist : We move fast to Security to make up for lost time,
ever wary of ambushes.
SGlancy12 : The security Office is just ahead.
Lundquist : Can we see into it?
SGlancy12 : No windows onto the hallway. Just a closed door with
a combo lock.
Dee : Did anyone remember to bring the tear gas?
Lundquist : Or flash-bang grenades?
Dee : Combo lock, not a keypad… nuts to that.
SGlancy12 : Yes on teargas.
SGlancy12 : No on flash-bang.
Dee : Bonus.
Lundquist : “Use your silenced lockpick, Dee.”
SGlancy12 : I meant keypad.
Lundquist : Oh, ok. Do we know the combo for it?
SGlancy12 : No.
Dee : Oh, cool. “Code. Security, sapphire side entrance.”
Dee : “Crap.”
Dee : “Well, not like they haven’t seen us on the cameras.
Let’s knock.”
SGlancy12 : There’s a camera outside the door.
Lundquist : Great.
Dee : I move in toward the door. How sturdy does it look?
(Is it kickable, in other words?)
SGlancy12 : Maybe. It opens inward if that helps.
Dee : Is its frame wood or metal?
SGlancy12 : Metal.
Lundquist : Why not shoot out the bolt?
Dee : Crap. All right, I look into the camera when I get
up to the door.
Dee : Any objections before I start shouting, Lundquist?
Lundquist : Nope.
SGlancy12 : No answer from inside.
Dee : I give it as solid a kick as I can manage. Unless
somebody has a hand-ram…?
SGlancy12 : You kick sends the door flying open.
Dee : Move in low and fast. “ON THE FLOOR NOW!”
SGlancy12 : There’s the immediate smell of burnt wire and smoke.
Lundquist : Crap.
SGlancy12 : Inside is a bank of TV monitors. All smashed.
Lundquist : Let’s go to research now!
Dee : Stupid of them. Yeah, time to move fast.
SGlancy12 : There’s also a bunch of casings on the flor.
Dee : What kind of casings?
Lundquist : What caliber?
SGlancy12 : 9mm
Lundquist : How many? Dozens?
Dee : Are they dispersed closely, like from an automatic
SGlancy12 : As you look around there are blood splaters on the
SGlancy12 : Mostly by the door.
Lundquist : Yikes…! Any blood trails?
SGlancy12 : All together it looks like maybe 15 rounds.
Lundquist : Do the smashed monitors look shot up, or bashed in?
SGlancy12 : They look shot.
SGlancy12 : Yes, there are blood trails. The lead to the security
chief’s office.
Dee : I signal one of the MPs. “Send the word topside,
this is now a homicide investigation.”
Lundquist : We need to take a look in the office.
Dee : Then I move toward the chief’s office, cautiously.
Lundquist : I’m covering him.
SGlancy12 : Door’s closed
Lundquist : “We don’t have much time, Dee…”
Dee : I kick the door, then scoot back out of the doorway
as quick as I can.
Lundquist : I take a quick glance inside.
SGlancy12 : Door flies open. Somebody’s lying on the ground.
Dee : Moving or breathing?
SGlancy12 : Not moving. Neither are the other seven security
guards lying on the office floor.
Dee : Damn.
Lundquist : Quickly check each one. Any still alive?
SGlancy12 : All eight dead from double tap wounds to the head.
Dee : Damn again. All right, let’s move.
Lundquist : We set off at a run.
SGlancy12 : Looks like the second shot was added back in this
SGlancy12 : Where to?
Dee : I jog out and into the hall, heading toward Research.
Lundquist : Yeah Research.
SGlancy12 : There’s a bloody boot print on the linoleum.
Lundquist : Just one? Or a trail?
SGlancy12 : It’s heading down the same hallway towards research.
SGlancy12 : Several marks, but its getting fainter.
Dee : Breathing, “On your trail, motherf…”
SGlancy12 : There’s a woman’s scream down the hall in front of
Dee : How far?
SGlancy12 : Less than thirty yards.
Lundquist : Still running…
Dee : Running ahead, laser sight aimed forward…
SGlancy12 : You quickly come across one of the cleaning staff,
she’s been knocked down, her cleaning car
SGlancy12 : knocked over.
Dee : In the hall?
Lundquist : Ignore her. Press on.
SGlancy12 : She shrieks as you all charge pass.
SGlancy12 : People are begining to emerge to see what the
shoutings about. Janitors who look very shoked
Dee : Yep. Running onward, aiming ahead steadily, ready to
crouch or go prone.
Dee : How many doorways are we passing?
SGlancy12 : The research wing is ahead, through those “Restricted
Access” double doors.
SGlancy12 : Which are still swinging.
Dee : Here we go…
Lundquist : Still running…
Dee : “I want teargas ready!”
SGlancy12 : “Teargas is up.”
SGlancy12 : M203, gotta luv ’em.
Dee : The doors are swinging–can we see inside at all, or
hear anything?
SGlancy12 : You hear . . .
SGlancy12 : Nothing.
Lundquist : Let’s go in!
SGlancy12 : No! Wait!
Lundquist : Screeeech!
Dee : Moving in… are lights on beyond the doors?
SGlancy12 : You now hear an automatic door opening.
Lundquist : I run in.
Dee : Yup.
SGlancy12 : There’s a hallway with two doorways and a stair up
(sign reads Labs 3-5
SGlancy12 : Upper level.)
Dee : Which door is automatic?
Lundquist : Where’s that automatic door we heard?
SGlancy12 : It sounds like it came from the staircase.
Dee : Up the stairs at a run.
Lundquist : Yep.
SGlancy12 : Upstairs you hear running.
Dee : “Greer, Jones, check those doors!”
SGlancy12 : You mean lab 1 & 2?
Dee : Up the stairs…
Lundquist : I chase those footsteps.
Dee : Yeah, the doorways.
SGlancy12 : As you top the stairs, There’s a grenade in the
middle of the hallway upstairs.
Dee : Guk.
Lundquist : I dive back down the stairs.
Dee : JumP!
SGlancy12 : BOOOOMMM!!!
Dee : Okay, now they REALLY have gone too far. 😉
Dee : Did anyone remember to bring the incendiaries…?
Lundquist : If I’m still in one piece, I pick myself up and run
back up the stairs.
SGlancy12 : Crash! Thump! Dee takes 1 point bouncing down the
Dee : “Ungh! Fucker.” Scramble back up and move up again
into the smoke, staying low.
SGlancy12 : “Sir! Sir! There’s a door under the stairs!”
SGlancy12 : One of the MPs yells.
Lundquist : Am I ok, Scott?
SGlancy12 : Yer unharmed Lundquist.
Dee : “Check it out!”
SGlancy12 : It just rolled shut!
Lundquist : Can we blow it open?
SGlancy12 : My M16 is jammed in it.
Dee : I keep moving ahead. “Then OPEN it!”
Dee : I’m keeping very low. Laser sight is NOT on while
I’m in the smoke.
Dee : Assuming the grenade left as much smoke as I thought.
Lundquist : I’m going to chase our grenade thrower upstairs.
SGlancy12 : Under the stairs the MP tries to lever the door open.
Lundquist : I yell for 3 or 4 MP’s to follow me.
SGlancy12 : The six of you are clustered below the landing.
Dee : That makes the two of us plus 3-4 upstairs… 5-6
Dee : I’m heading up onto the landing… what’s ahead?
SGlancy12 : The scorched hallway. Concussion damage. Smoldering
SGlancy12 : There’s three lab doors to you right.
Lundquist : And ahead?
SGlancy12 : The hall dead ends.
Dee : Okay… move up and forward. Any windows into the
labs, or just the doors?
Dee : We should have called for Black to come join us. 🙁
SGlancy12 : The round windows are blown out from concussion.
Dee : “Fire teargas through those windows.”
SGlancy12 : there’s one M203. The MP will have to put the barrel
up to the window. They are quite small.
Dee : “Do it. Just keep your head out of the window.”
SGlancy12 : Inside the last lab you hear something overturn and
Dee : Good enough. I sprint ahead, past the lab doorways,
still keeping very low.
SGlancy12 : Are you setting up on the left side of the door.
Lundquist : I point to the last lab door. “He’s in there! Gas
this one first!”
Dee : Are the doors to our left or right?
SGlancy12 : The MP advances and “POOM!” Pops a grenade throught
the window.
Lundquist : “Now load an explosive round! Quick!”
SGlancy12 : You hear the CS-Gas canister dertonate!
Dee : I sprint past the open doorway, taking the
split-second as I pass to glance inside.
SGlancy12 : He reloads.
Dee : Then I hop down on the other side of it.
Lundquist : Can I see anything in the lab? I don’t want to
expose myself too much.
SGlancy12 : The labs full of billowing white tear gas.
Dee : Any sounds of people disagreeing with the gas?
SGlancy12 : No.
Dee : And… heh… don’t breathe the air…
Lundquist : Everybody back off! He
Lundquist : He’s liable to send another grenade out!
Dee : Right. I dart back across and to the other nearest
doorway, aiming inside.
SGlancy12 : Nothing stirs in Lab 1.
Dee : I step inside that lab, then, and quickly check it
SGlancy12 : Lab 1 is the farthest along. Lab 3 closest to the
Dee : Oh!
SGlancy12 : You put the Gas in lab 1, right?
Dee : I see… then I’m going into lab 2. The gas was in
lab 1.
Dee : The noise was from lab 1, right?
SGlancy12 : Either way yes, you’re in Lab 2.
SGlancy12 : Yes it was in lab 1
Lundquist : Does anyone have a gas mask? I look to the nearest
SGlancy12 : All have masks.
Dee : “What’s happening with that door?” I call down the
Lundquist : I commandeer one and put it on.
SGlancy12 : Lab 2 has no gas in it.
SGlancy12 : The M16 butt broke off in the door.
Dee : I step out, pass lab 3 with a glance inside, then
head back to the stairs.
SGlancy12 : They’re trying to lever it open now,
Lundquist : Do I have that mask on yet?
SGlancy12 : You hear something as u step out of lab 2
Dee : I get out my phone while I walk, and call Black.
Dee : Um.
Lundquist : What do we hear?
Dee : Something from where?
SGlancy12 : Something groaned.
SGlancy12 : Like metal or wood under strain.
Dee : Drop the phone and turn to aim at the groan.
Lundquist : From up here? Or downstairs?
SGlancy12 : It was from the center of the room. Which is empty of
anyone. Nothing to hide behind.
Dee : WTF?
Dee : So is it just an open room, then?
Dee : Is there anything heavy on the floor, like a lab
counter or something?
SGlancy12 : Yep. Nobody in the room. Just lab equipent and other
mad scientist equipment.
Lundquist : I tell an MP or two to cover me, and I go into Lab 1,
keeping low. I’m especially looking out for
Lundquist : grenades.
SGlancy12 : there are tables, but you can see under then.
SGlancy12 : Its full of gas.
Dee : Is the noise in room 2 or room 1?
Lundquist : I put a mask on, right?
SGlancy12 : Noise in Room 2
Dee : That’s where there’s no gas, where I was just
checking it out.
SGlancy12 : Hey, in room 1 there’s a ceiling tile on the ground.
SGlancy12 : Particle board from the drop ceiling.
Dee : I crouch to look beneath the tables in room 2.
SGlancy12 : Nothing in room 2 under the tables.
Lundquist : “Dee! Get in here!” I jump up on a table and…
sigh… stick my head into the opening, looking
Lundquist : around with my handgun’s flashlight.
SGlancy12 : Oh you lucky bastard!
Dee : I aim up at the ceiling in the center of room 2, and
fire off a spray of about eight rounds.
Lundquist : Yeah, distract him, Dee!
SGlancy12 : I rolled 00! His MP5SSD jammed. That laser dot was
right in your face!
Dee : !!!
Lundquist : I put a round into him ASAP!
Dee : Lucky bastard indeed. Did mine jam?
SGlancy12 : The bullets start punching holes in the ceiling!
SGlancy12 : No you’re stitching the ceiling.
Dee : If my initial burst failed to hit anything meaty, I
watch the particle board for movement.
Dee : I step back to the doorway as I watch the ceiling.
Lundquist : I just look for the source of the laser and plug the
guy with my USP.
SGlancy12 : On Lab 2’s ceiling there’s a thump and a section of
ceiling sags.
Dee : Hit it again. Burst of six.
SGlancy12 : The ceiling tile falls out with a MP5 on it which
crashes to the floor.
Dee : So did Lundquist shoot the punk?
SGlancy12 : Lundquist sees Mr. Commando and fires! How many
Lundquist : Just one.
SGlancy12 : Missed. He draws his sidearm!
Dee : I shift my aim. Do I see any other movement?
Lundquist : I keep pulling the trigger until he stops moving.
SGlancy12 : No.
Lundquist : I’m trying to keep the flashlight in his eyes,
blinding him.
SGlancy12 : You blast away 5 times! Panic fire. One hits
Dee : Are any of the tables in lab 2 high enough for me to
climb up like Lundquist did?
SGlancy12 : The Shot hits him and flips him off the support beam
he was holding.
Lundquist : Look out below…
SGlancy12 : He crashes through the ceiling into lab 2.
Dee : Laser trained on his face. “FREEZE OR DIE!”
Lundquist : I jump off the table and head out into the hallway.
SGlancy12 : He bounces through a bunch of beakers and rolls onto
the floor.
Dee : If I have to move to get my sights on his head, I’ll
do so. Quickly.
SGlancy12 : He comes up holding an HKVP70Z.
Lundquist : Oh, man… the stuff in the beakers wasn’t blue, was
SGlancy12 : No.
Dee : Burst of six as soon as he comes up.
Lundquist : Running into Lab 2 as soon as I can…
SGlancy12 : All six land. #3 right arm. 2 chest 1 left arm.
SGlancy12 : Pistol goes flying.
Dee : That’s a good start.
SGlancy12 : He flops back on the flor.
SGlancy12 : Looks like the elbow is shot out of the joint.
SGlancy12 : He flops a bit and goes still.
Dee : I move in quick, still aiming right at him. Is he
SGlancy12 : Barely.
Dee : I prod him with a shoe, to see if he has any other
apparent weaponry.
SGlancy12 : He was waering a tactical vest and kevlar helmet.
SGlancy12 : Lundquist shot him in the hip.
SGlancy12 : He’s got a bandolier of grenades.
SGlancy12 : And he’s wearing a gas mask.
Lundquist : My, he’s well prepared…
Lundquist : I pass the word to the MP’s
Dee : I keep the laser trained on him. “Lundquist, clear
those grenades.”
SGlancy12 : On the radio “We’re taking fire!”
Lundquist : I put one through his head, then run downstairs as
fast as I can.
Dee : Did they teach that in law school?
SGlancy12 : I think Lundquist just got some Brains splashed on
Lundquist : When I come as close to death as I just did, I sort
of forget about my torts classes…
Dee : I don’t grab his gas mask, since it probably has a
hole in it. But I do take the bandolier.
Lundquist : I’m recovering that MP5.
SGlancy12 : Radio “We’ve got six shooters in the compound.”
Lundquist : And I’m not going to stand _too_ close…
Lundquist : “Dee, how many guys got off that helo when it
Dee : (I don’t recall exactly–four or five?)
SGlancy12 : Radio “They came out the front”
SGlancy12 : “Using Hostages as Shields!”
SGlancy12 : Black. You see the gunbattle out front unfolding.
SGlancy12 : Six men with six hostages are running for the
Black : I start shoot at the chopper with the rifle
SGlancy12 : They’re firing using silenced SMGs
SGlancy12 : That’ll be a helova shot. Did you move to the edge of
Dee : To L: “Shit. Let them into the chopper? We can
follow easy enough.”
Black : yeah
SGlancy12 : Do you tell the MPs that too?
Lundquist : I say let them go, let them think they’ve gotten
away, and chase them to their Learjet.
Lundquist : Yeah, tell the MP’s to make some noise, shooting at
them, but let them get away.
Dee : To the radio: “Stand back! Let them into their
chopper, repeat, let them go!”
SGlancy12 : “The MPs acknowledge.”
Dee : I signal the Blackhawk that dropped us off. “Come in
for a pickup, we’re coming up!”
SGlancy12 : “We’re taking cover.”
Dee : I head out at a sprint.
SGlancy12 : “Pick up? Where?
Dee : “Same place you dropped us off.”
SGlancy12 : “Will do.”
Lundquist : Let the Jetranger go before the Blackhawks arrive.
Don’t want to tip our hand that we’re chasing them
Dee : To the MPs and agents with us: “Collect the
civilians and bring them topside.”
Lundquist : What about that door that’s still closed?
SGlancy12 : As the commandos get in the chopper they puch one
hostage inside and takeoff leaving the
SGlancy12 : others scattering from the helopad.
SGlancy12 : The door is barely open.
SGlancy12 : Someone inside is screaming “Help Me! Get me outta
Dee : I pause, looking back at Lundquist. “We can have the
Blackhawks follow them.”
Dee : “FBI can follow and track them down. I bet they’re
just mercs.”
Dee : I look at the FBI agents with us. “You! Get up
there and into the Blackhawk,
SGlancy12 : “Yessir!”
Lundquist : “I’m not so sure. We need to grab them. I say we
divert our road column to the other airport to
Lundquist : head them off. Or maybe just one platoon.
Lundquist : And keep one Blackhawk here, in case we need to take
off in pursuit.
Dee : To the agent: “Get a team on that Learjet, and call
Dee : “Right. We keep the other Blackhawk here.” I look
at the stuck door.
SGlancy12 : Missoula is 170 miles away from ABC. Your MP company
won’t make it in time.
Lundquist : OK, keep them coming here then. Send the senior FBI
guys & a squad of MP’s to Missoula in the first
Lundquist : UH60. Keep the other here, ready to go at a moment’s
SGlancy12 : FBI agent “We’ll call Missoula PD and stop that
Lundquist : They should stay out of sight until the Jet ranger
lands and our quarry in on their Lear…
Lundquist : otherwise they might get spooked and head off in some
other direction.
SGlancy12 : “Will do sir. Surveilance only until the perps land.”
Dee : I yell to the door, where the person is screaming.
“Who’s there? Who’s there?”
SGlancy12 : “My name is Thomas Ironshirt! Get me the fuck outta
Dee : What’s the deal with the door? How does it look like
it is supposed to open?
Black : I look to wendell and ask if he could hear anything
the men said before and after they go in
Black : the chopper
SGlancy12 : Nothing! Just shouting to each other in German.
Dee : Crap.
SGlancy12 : The door is disguised as a wall.
SGlancy12 : It doesn’t have a lock or keypad.
Dee : How does it open? On regular hinges, or sliding, or
Lundquist : Interesting! No wonder we missed it before! Is
there any way to force it open?
SGlancy12 : It slides into the wall on a track. It it motorized
and looks about two feet thick. Steel to
SGlancy12 : Covered with concrete to simulate plain wall.
Dee : Ouch.
Dee : I run back up to our deceased commando and check him
for anything keylike.
Dee : Including cards.
SGlancy12 : Nothing on Mr. Special ops.
SGlancy12 : Hey. Lundquist there’s a fuse box under the
Lundquist : I examine it closely.
Dee : Run back down.
SGlancy12 : Inside the fusebox is a keypad.
Lundquist : I don’t suppose Wendel knows anything about this?
SGlancy12 : The door is maybe two feer open. ANyone want to slide
Dee : Oh, I thought it was open only inches.
SGlancy12 : No Wendel didn’t detect the EM signature on this one.
Lundquist : Shoot, I will! Keeping low, though…
SGlancy12 : There’s a hallway. Gleaming white.
Dee : I’ll stand close by.
Lundquist : I look for Iron Shirt.
Dee : Crap, I’ll move in behind him, then.
SGlancy12 : There’s a double door at the end.
Lundquist : I move towards it, quickly. I tell the MP’s to
Dee : Hoofing down the hall, toward the doors.
SGlancy12 : There are lab tables and lots and lost of blood.
Lundquist : Any bodies?
Dee : I make another call to the helicopter and Black:
“Black, can you get on that blackhawk?”
SGlancy12 : Along the wall to your left is a bunch of plexiglass
SGlancy12 : There are animals in them.
Lundquist : Live animals?
SGlancy12 : Monkeys. Dogs. All along the walls are plexiglass
cages. They are filled with rabbits & rats
SGlancy12 : They appear to be alive. They’re just standing and
staring out the glass.
Lundquist : Uh oh.
SGlancy12 : The blood is from a gutted naked man lying on the
Lundquist : I train my gun on him. What does he look like?
SGlancy12 : He appears to have been cut from groin to ribs.
SGlancy12 : Grey ropy intestines everywhere.
Lundquist : Yuck.
SGlancy12 : He’s Black.
Dee : As in Colonel Black?
SGlancy12 : You saw him in the casino in Cut Bank.
Dee : Oh, heh.
Lundquist : Poor guy.
Dee : So am I right in assuming he’s dead?
Dee : Did those MPs follow us?
SGlancy12 : Yes
Dee : I turn to them. “Get back out there and police the
civilans. Two of you stand watch at the
Dee : automatic door. Move!”
SGlancy12 : There’s also another naked corpse on the floor.
Lundquist : USMC tattoo?
SGlancy12 : No. Mr. Headless is young. Slim. White. Early 30s.
Dee : That’ll be Dr. Crisp…
SGlancy12 : There’s a pair of glasses on the floor near the body.
Lundquist : Any blood trail, indicating where the head went?
SGlancy12 : No.
Lundquist : Oh, well, so much for the good doctor… Where’s Iron
Dee : Do the MPs comply?
SGlancy12 : Yes the MP complied. The animals in the cages smell
SGlancy12 : They don’t smell like animals. There’s no shit in the
Dee : Are there any other doors leading out of this lab?
SGlancy12 : None at all. In any of the cages.
Lundquist : We’re going to have to burn this place.
SGlancy12 : Yes. There’s a cart jamming a door in the back open.
Lundquist : Aha, the escape route.
Dee : Yeah, need to head that way, careful again but quick.
SGlancy12 : Floor’s slippery.
Lundquist : Where the heck is Iron Shirt?
SGlancy12 : “Back here!” yells a voice from the open doorway.
Lundquist : I move that way.
SGlancy12 : Who goes in?
Dee : Me. Aiming and ready to jump.
Lundquist : Well, I stuck my head through the ceiling…
Lundquist : I’ll cover him.
SGlancy12 : There is a bank of cells to the left. Someone’s
pounding on the plexiglass in the last cell
SGlancy12 : Suddenly something throws itseld against the
plexiglass of the second cell.
Dee : Aim at the cell…
SGlancy12 : Inside is a drooling frothing thing.
SGlancy12 : It’s naked. Tinted with blue.
SGlancy12 : Its hair is shaved.
SGlancy12 : There are stitches criss-crossing its body.
SGlancy12 : A “Y” shaped stitch from the chest to the belly.
SGlancy12 : Its left hand appears to have been inexpertly
SGlancy12 : It looks like Charles Low Horn after a long night in
SGlancy12 : San Rolls everyone!
Lundquist : Crime doesn’t pay!
Dee : Is it doing any damage to the plexiglass?
SGlancy12 : ARGH! Lundquist takes 1 SAN
SGlancy12 : Dee takes 3!
SGlancy12 : The glass is holding.
Lundquist : I recoil in horror. “God, no!”
Dee : “Gah! It’s Low Horn!”
SGlancy12 : Its’ smeared with spit and that sickly blue stuff.
Dee : I get on the radio. “Black, you there?”
Black : yeah
Lundquist : I move quickly past the cell to the one at the end.
SGlancy12 : Its Thomas Iron Shirt. equally naked. And rather
blue. He looks like he has a couple of
SGlancy12 : dog bites that have been stitched.
Dee : Staring at the thing in sick fascination I move
aside, on to the next cell…
Dee : “Get to the compound, Black.”
SGlancy12 : “Are you guys the police?”
Lundquist : “Yes! Don’t move!”
Black : tell the guards at front that I coming in. I grab
wendell and tell hm to follow me
SGlancy12 : “Cmon! Get me out of here!” Iron shirt screams.
SGlancy12 : “If you’re cops, get me out!” He screams “Please!”
Lundquist : “We will, soon enough! Hold on, we’re waiting for
the paramedics! You’re safe now!” Yeah, right.
Lundquist : I put my hand to the plexiglass. Is it cold?
SGlancy12 : Yes
SGlancy12 : Hey. There’s something moving on the table behind
Lundquist : I spin around, gun ready.
Dee : Same here.
SGlancy12 : Its Jacob left hand’s head, cranium removed, brain
full of wires.
SGlancy12 : his eyes spin wildly in their sockets and its tonge
flops in its open mouth
SGlancy12 : Each take 1 SAN loss,
Lundquist : “Aaah!”
SGlancy12 : “No! You gotta get me out now! They said they were
going to blow this place up.”
Dee : I stay silent but grim and pasty in the flourescent
Lundquist : “What? When?”
SGlancy12 : “That blonde guy! The Nazi! He said that after the
fire there would be nothing left.”
Dee : Watching Iron Shirt, I get the radio again and signal
the MPs. “Attention, attention.”
Dee : “Get all civilians and all personnel off the compound
at once, repeat, OFF the compound.”
Lundquist : Quietly, to Dee… “What about Iron Shirt?”
SGlancy12 : The MPs scamble. Someone hits the fire alarm.
Dee : I give it a few seconds of silence–for the MPs
standing watch by the door to move out.
Lundquist : “I say we take him with us. We need to question
Dee : Look at Lundquist dubiously, then at Iron Shirt in
disgust. But: “All right.”
Lundquist : Is there an obvious way to open the cage?
SGlancy12 : Yes. There’s a solid stainless steel bolt on the
Lundquist : Is there some sort of duffel bag or a good sized box
or cage here? Something to put the severed head
Lundquist : into?
SGlancy12 : Pad-locked.
Lundquist : (Might want to take that for examination)
SGlancy12 : There’s a bio-hazard container.
SGlancy12 : Like a icecooler.
Dee : “There’s no way to get this open quickly. Come on.
We can come back with a team.”
SGlancy12 : “What! Don’t Leave me in here!”
Lundquist : “We could shoot the lock off. We wait, we’re
probably killing him.”
Lundquist : Using a broom or something, shove the head into the
bio-h container.
Dee : I watch Iron Shirt for a moment.
Lundquist : Slap the lid on it. Close it.
SGlancy12 : The head is safe to handle. Someone removed the jaw.
Lundquist : How thoughtful.
Dee : “We need to get a team of scientists in here, Mr.
Iron Shirt. You’ll be safe until then.”
SGlancy12 : He’s pounding the glass. His hands are bruisng and
turning blue.
Dee : I turn and head back down the hall at a jog.
Lundquist : I look at Dee. Again, quietly… “And if this place
blows up, with him locked in it?”
Dee : I glance back at Lundquist. “What else are we going
to do for him? Save him?”
Lundquist : “For a while… for interrogation…
Lundquist : “He saw everything that was done in this lab, after
Dee : “If you want to rescue him, go ahead. Your bullets
will have as good a chance on the lock
Dee : as mine will.”
Dee : “I’m not taking the time to pick the lock. Not until
we know whether or not this place is
Dee : rigged to explode. Now, let’s go!”
Lundquist : OK, I’ll shoot off the lock. Before I open the bolt,
I tell Dee to cover Iron Shirt with his gun.
Lundquist : Then I tell Iron Shirt to calm down.
SGlancy12 : You shoot the lock fails to open it.
Lundquist : Even repeated shots?
SGlancy12 : “C’MON SHOOT IT AGAIN!!”
SGlancy12 : After emptying the clip it falls off.
Dee : I cover Iron Shirt.
Lundquist : I look at Iron Shirt. “Turn around! Hands on the
Black : I have a feeling if you take Iron Shirt in the heat
he will decompose very rapidly.
Lundquist : “Do it!”
Dee : Heh, that’s entirely possible, PG.
Lundquist : Well, we’ll soon find out…
SGlancy12 : He hesitates, but does what you say.
Lundquist : To Dee, loudly: “If he moves, empty a clip into him!”
SGlancy12 : “Jeezus. This is some rescue!
Black : is he in a refridgated unit?
Lundquist : Yeah, the glass was cold…
SGlancy12 : No, but it is cool.
Lundquist : I slowly open the door, then… sigh… grab him an
cuff him.
SGlancy12 : You cuff him.
Lundquist : Okay, I push him in front of me. If he does anything
I don’t like I don’t hesitate, I just
Lundquist : blast him.,
Lundquist : We head out at speed.
Dee : I’ll turn and start heading out, through the lab,
past the animals and corpses.
SGlancy12 : “No wait!” He says as you pass low horn. “You gotta
save Charles too!”
Dee : How wide is the lab with the animal cages?
SGlancy12 : About 50′ wide.
Dee : “COME ON!” I snarl at him. “He’s DEAD, now move!”
SGlancy12 : Low Horn is snarling and attacking the glass!
Lundquist : “Charles is already dead, pal. Forget him!”
SGlancy12 : “He can’t be dead! He’s still moving! You can’t be
dead and still be moving!”
Dee : Is the lab 50 feet square?
SGlancy12 : He starts to dig in his heels.
Lundquist : “That ain’t Charles! Now move, or we’ll leave you
SGlancy12 : No its about 100′ long.
SGlancy12 : He shoves back against Lundquist but slips in the
Lundquist : Blam! Blam!
SGlancy12 : “Dammit! He’s not dead!”
Lundquist : (Ungrateful wretch!)
SGlancy12 : You put two holes through his back. They came out the
front spraying blue slime.
SGlancy12 : And Thomas hardly notices!
Lundquist : Oh, goody! I want to shoot out his kneecaps right
SGlancy12 : He begins thrashing around!
SGlancy12 : Lundquist is throw away from him onto the floor.
Lundquist : I try to hang onto my gun.
SGlancy12 : He starts running back to the cells.
SGlancy12 : You hang on to it.
Lundquist : Can I get a shot at his kneecap?
SGlancy12 : You can try.
Lundquist : I will…
SGlancy12 : Your shot misses.
Lundquist : Figures… Well, time to get out of here…
SGlancy12 : I assume Dee comes with you.
SGlancy12 : Where do you run to?
Lundquist : Back out the way we came.
Dee : Grrrr, got booted.
Lundquist : Where did you check out?
SGlancy12 : Hey Dee, Iron Shirt got away with two slugs in him
and ran back to help his friend.
Dee : We were about to run out of the lab.
Lundquist : Dripping blue slime all the way.
SGlancy12 : Now what?
Dee : I’m lagging a lot, btw, bear with me.
Dee : Let’s go. I’m running out of the lab–once we’re
both outside I’ll see about closing that
Dee : door
SGlancy12 : The door is jammed in place.
Lundquist : We need to head out… Back the way they came, or
through the other door with the cart stuck in it?
Dee : Is there any way to unjam it?
SGlancy12 : You want to hang around and experiment for a bit?
Lundquist : I don’t…!
Dee : Not for a bit… If I can just kick the rifle-butt
out of it, I’ll do so.
Dee : If it will take some experimentation, then forget it.
SGlancy12 : You shagging it for the front gate.
Dee : Yeah.
Lundquist : Not stopping for anything.
SGlancy12 : As you approach the front gate, all the ABC staff and
MPs are gathered outside by the road.
SGlancy12 : “Maybe there is no bomb?” someone whispers.
Lundquist : “Where’s Mr Turner?”
SGlancy12 : He was one of the hostages taken on board.
Lundquist : There was more than one?
Dee : I’ll radio the copter we sent out after the Jet
Ranger. “What’s your status?”
Lundquist : “Where’s Mr Dieschel?”
SGlancy12 : There were two.
SGlancy12 : Turner and Dr. Metreaux.
Dee : Heh heh. Slick.
Lundquist : Guys, I’m gonna have to take off soon…
SGlancy12 : Noone has seen him. He was showing that German guy
around the grounds last time I saw.
Dee : Any response from the chopper?
SGlancy12 : The last time any of you saw him, he and two men
went into the incinerator building.
SGlancy12 : And never came out.
Lundquist : Okay. That settles that…
Dee : I’ll call the other Blackhawk down to pick us up.
SGlancy12 : By the way. The incinerator just blew up!
Dee : Ack.
Lundquist : I duck and cover.
Dee : Same here.
SGlancy12 : The smokestack spills into the river.
SGlancy12 : Everyone hits the deck.
Lundquist : Is there a fire? Is it spreading?
SGlancy12 : The building is an inferno.
Lundquist : The whole thing? Including the production units?
SGlancy12 : Now there’s an explosion from the Admin section of
the complex. It just lifted the roof off.
Lundquist : That should be the end of Iron Shirt… I hope…
Dee : I yell into the radio for the Blackhawk that remained
with us. “Get over here!”
SGlancy12 : The explosion was all concussion. No fireballs.
Looked like military grade plastique.
SGlancy12 : However when the Saphire unit goes up, the loading
dock door send a guyser of flame like a
SGlancy12 : giant flame thrower!
SGlancy12 : Several move explosions follow. The fire in Saphire
is spereading to other units.
SGlancy12 : At least its not dark anymore.
Lundquist : I’m gonna have to take off at this point, guys…
Were you going to finish this up tonight, Scott?
SGlancy12 : Yes. Gimme 5 mins.
Lundquist : OK, I can spare 5 minutes.
SGlancy12 : Now what? That was appropriatly Wagnerian.
Dee : I want the choppers. Status report on the one in
flight, and a pickup from the other.
Dee : Let the one in pursuit know: the perps have
explosives and heavy weapons,
Dee : and their ‘hostages’ were actually coconspirators.
SGlancy12 : The MPs will be here in 1hr 45 mins. Local police and
fire department much sooner.
SGlancy12 : Report from pursuit Blackhawk will open next weeks
Dee : Ah.
Lundquist : Hold off local police & fire due to presence of
presence of hazardous materials in the debris.
SGlancy12 : What are you doing before you jump into the Blackhawk
and go tearassing off.
Lundquist : Making sure that the senior remaining FBI guys are in
charge and can keep a handle on things here.
SGlancy12 : Some of the cars in the lot are cooking off from the
flaming debris.
Dee : Get the civilians out of the way.
Dee : Find out if any of them were on the Sapphire crew.
SGlancy12 : The FBI and MPs will keep everyone away from the
SGlancy12 : Nobody can find the Sapphire Unit Crew.
Lundquist : I don’t think anybody will…
Dee : I expect we can find some of them in the dorms…
Black : gee I wonder if they were blown into orbit
Dee : We’ll have to get Black there to tell everyone to
steer clear, esp. local emergency crews.
SGlancy12 : Nah. A few miles away at most.
Dee : Cite biohazardous materials and such.
Lundquist : Right.
Dee : Get the Air Force to help us cordon the place off and
let it cook without
Dee : anyone poking around inside.
Dee : Then we can get in the chopper and chase down the bad
guys and gal.
Lundquist : Why don’t we tell the local police that they have to
evacuate the residents from the surrounding area.
SGlancy12 : The 15 MPs and two fbi guys will hold the fort until
reinforcements arrive. All three of u.
Lundquist : That should keep themy busy enough to avoid asking
too many questions for a while.
SGlancy12 : piling into the blackhawk?
Lundquist : Yeah.
Dee : Yeah, we can all three get aboard and fly after them.
Lundquist : With Wendell?
Dee : I’ll commandeer the grenade launcher and gas grenades
and gas mask first, though.
SGlancy12 : Wendel wants to know who’s giving him a ride home!
Lundquist : And some explosive grenades too…
Dee : Not Wendell. He needs to sit tight with his gear.
SGlancy12 : Great.
Lundquist : Toss him the keys to the Explorer. It’s parked
nearby, right?
Dee : When the Air Force gets here, he can get into one of
their transports.
Black : don’t we have some one in protect custody
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Black : what did we do with her?
Dee : Oh yeah, they took the Explorer out here.
SGlancy12 : Wendell’s going back to the RV.
Dee : RIght, let him head back to the van.
Lundquist : OK. I tell him to sit tight there for us.
SGlancy12 : That’s where LCS is. At the RV.
Dee : Unsupervised. I think we need to get a Marshal or
two to sit on her.
SGlancy12 : Okay.
Black : if she is not gone
Dee : Yeah.
Black : or dead
SGlancy12 : We’ll leave things like this for the moment. You jump
onto the Blackhawk and charge into the
SGlancy12 : night sky.
Dee : Want to shoot for the same time next Sunday?
SGlancy12 : Fine byme.
Lundquist : Sunday is cool for me.
Black : i have no problem
SGlancy12 : Be Seeing You.
Lundquist : Okay, then… I’ll need to get going. Have a good
week, guys!
Dee : See you then! Good game!
SGlancy12 : 12 noon 11/09/97
SGlancy12 : thanks

Next: Session 6

Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green.