‘Dead Letter’ 1997 playtest logs: Session 3


SGlancy12 : Howdy.
SGlancy12 : Lets give the others a few minutes.
Lundquist : Hiya. I guess the others are running even later than
I am, huh?
SGlancy12 : Yep.
SGlancy12 : What’s shakin’ in the real world?
Lundquist : Got new neighbors moving in next door… Had to go
say hello, introduce myself, check em out…
SGlancy12 : Any extra appendages? Eye? Etc?
Lundquist : Not obviously…
SGlancy12 : Did you miss any of the last session?
Lundquist : No, just a minute here and there when I got knocked
off by AOL.
Lundquist : I’ve been trying all week to figure out how to get
into this ABC compound. Nothing seems like a very
Lundquist : viable option.
Dee : Good morning!
Lundquist : Hi there!
Dee : I’ve had some thoughts on that, but they all involve
some pretty complex logistics.
Dee : F’r instance, we know that what’s their names come
from Pittsburgh… hold on, I’ll find my
Dee : notes from last time…
Lundquist : Yeah, I thought about that… Proving they aren’t
really in Pittsburgh, so they must be someplace else
Lundquist : The question is, how?
Dee : Crispin and Metreux come from Pittsburgh. I don’t
know of any reservations in Pittsburgh,
SGlancy12 : That’s Crisp, Arnold Crisp.
Dee : so that facility is likely on US soil, which means we
might have better luck having allies
Dee : get access to information.
SGlancy12 : That’s Crisp, Arnold Crisp.
Lundquist : Ah, good point.
Dee : On a long shot, we could try to do some real
sneaking: get forged IDs as specialists trans-
Dee : ferred from another facility, like the Pittsburgh
SGlancy12 : And I believe they come from an ABC reseach facility
in Philadelphia.
Lundquist : Okay, Philladelphia, not Pittsburgh.
Dee : On a shot not quite as long, we could contact Crisp
Dee : First, get background personal info on him: marital
status, any divorces, any kids, any
Dee : known past affairs? Then mock up a subpoena for a
paternity suit.
Dee : Send a courier or a US Marshal willing to play ball
to deliver the fake subpoena…
Dee : and inside the subpoena is a little note for Crisp.
Lundquist : Or one of us posing as a US Marshal…
Dee : Well, that’s not as good, because that will give us
away if we need to get inside
Dee : under another pretext later.
Dee : But that’s a possibility if we can’t get somebody to
do it.
Lundquist : True… But I’m wary of bringing in too many
outsiders. Unless our courier thinks it’s just a
Lundquist : routine paternity subpoena…
Dee : I was thinking of requesting a reliable CIA courier
from D.C.
Dee : Right, the courier only thinks it’s a legit subpoena.
SGlancy12 : What exactly will be in the note hidden in the
Dee : First off though, we should get info from Pittsburgh
on these two, Metreux and Crisp.
Dee : The note? Something like… lemme see, I wrote a
possibility up last night that I can paste.
Dee : Well, the note itself would encourage Crisp to not
let anyone else read it.
Lundquist : But what if ABC offers legal “assistance” to its
employees, and one of their people reads over what
Lundquist : we send?
Dee : They can read the rest of the fake subpoena, it won’t
matter anyway.
Lundquist : I was more concerned with them grabbing it before he
could get the note separated out. Call me
Lundquist : paranoid.
Lundquist : The note should say it’s from Lin Wei, not some
Federal investigators… He’s far more likely to
Lundquist : trust her.
Dee : Nah… subpoena has to be hand-delivered to the
Lundquist : Yeah, but he has to read through it and find our
note. He might just be so scared he gives it over
Lundquist : to company goon on demand.
Dee : Sample note: Come to PO Box ________, Great Falls,
at 4:30 pm on ___/___/97,
Dee : to discuss the implications and origin of a package
received by Fiona Lin Wie
Dee : of Ecotopian Magazine. Come alone.
Dee : Failure to appear will result in more public methods
of inquiry.
Dee : That’s one possibility.
Lundquist : Sounds good to me… But do we need the threat on the
Lundquist : I think he’ll be so ready to meet with someone he’ll
jump at the chance.
Dee : Maybe not. Depends on if we think he’ll be willing
to stretch his neck any further.
Lundquist : The threat might make him more scared that we want
him to be.
Dee : He might be in the “I’ve done all I’m gonna do” mode.
Dee : Let’s review his letter…
Dee : “perversion of science and nature”… pretty strong
stuff. You may be right.
Lundquist : I don’t think so. From the letter, he seems like a
true believer. He’ll want to see this thing through
SGlancy12 : Any way you could actually recruit Fiona LinvWei for
Dee : Well, we could, but do we need to? My idea was to
meet him at the post office, and grab him
Dee : and take him someplace private to talk.
Dee : Once he’s under control, we can convince him that
we’re the good guys.
Dee : I dunno. Lundquist, do you think it would be useful to
use Lin Wei?
Lundquist : The RV makes a good place, anyplace. It’s mobile.
We could even drive him around, make eavedropping
Lundquist : more difficult.
SGlancy12 : Did anyone cross reference LinWei and Crisp’s
Dee : I don’t think we’ve seen Crisp’s records yet, have
Lundquist : Lin Wei is a possibility. If we could convince her
we’re on her side, she’d be easy to control.
Dee : I think I left last week before we actually got BI
info on Crisp and Metreux.
SGlancy12 : Only his title, position and where he recieved his
Lundquist : But we wouldn’t want her to learn too much. Whatever
she sees will go right into the next issue.
Dee : Heh, that’s the truth. “I was in a government black
Dee : “We’ll here the amazing story of Fiona Lin Wei, next
on Sally Jesse Raphael!”
Dee : hear, not here.
Dee : You know the old adage from the DG book itself…
journalists and DG don’t mix.
Dee : Or something like that. 🙂
SGlancy12 : Too true.
Lundquist : Heh heh. If we got her to work for us, how would we
control her, and contain what she sees?
Lundquist : More fundamentally, what could she do, other than
help to convince Crisp we’re the good guys?
Dee : Controlling her, I don’t know, that’s one for a psych
warfare specialist.
Lundquist : Seems to me we could do that through other, simpler
Dee : We’d have to look into her background more to see
what makes her tick.
Dee : We’d need more than just blackmail material–that’s
too short term a tact.
Lundquist : I think happy, green growing things make her tick.
Dee : And she’s a hardcore activist, threats probably
wouldn’t work.
Lundquist : She’s an earth-nut.
Dee : But you’re right: what value would she be?
Lundquist : No, threats would just strenghten her resolve. But
if we can convince her we’re on the same side,
Lundquist : she’d do anything to help us.
Dee : I think we can get Crisp’s attention just with an
anonymous note.
Dee : She would help to convince him that we’re sincere.
Dee : But we could probably accomplish that anyway.
SGlancy12 : But isn’t 100% necessary.
Lundquist : Tell him we’re her friends, and she sent us to help
him. Tell him he can call her to check if he
Lundquist : likes. Then, the phone he dials from routes his call
to a female DG operative posing as Lin Wei.
Dee : Heh heh. You know, we could keep Crisp in the dark
as much as she.
Lundquist : She’d have to be able to convince Crisp of her
identity… Familiarize herself with Lin Wei’s
Lundquist : writings and all that.
Dee : We could maintain your cover story that you used
talking to her.
Lundquist : It would suit me fine if Crisp never learned who we
really are.
Dee : If we claimed to be private actors–you as an
activist attorney, Black and I as your
Dee : assistants–then we could get him to call her for
verification… she would back it up.
Dee : Any news from Black, btw?
SGlancy12 : No news from Black.
Lundquist : I’m not sure I like that… Too much out of our hands
that way.
Dee : Out of our hands? How so?
Lundquist : Well, if he gets on the phone with Lin Wei, she could
say anything, and it’s not under our control.
Dee : Yeah, that’s true.
Lundquist : “What dog head? I never got any dog head.”
Dee : Heh.
Dee : Oy, I hadn
Dee : ‘t thought of that.
Dee : Right, no contact between those two.
Dee : Scott, did you say it would be a shorter session
SGlancy12 : Yes today’s session will only be 4 hours at most.
Lundquist : Dr Fulani might make a good candidate for this. She
already knows Lin Wei’s work. She’d probably
Lundquist : play ball for us.
Dee : Hmm, good idea.
Lundquist : This assumes she could masquerade as younger woman
over the phone…
Dee : I doubt Crisp knows that much about Lin Wei, really.
SGlancy12 : It all depends on how long its been since Crisp has
heard her voice.
Dee : “Past experience,” from his note. Does that mean
they’ve dealt with each other before,
Dee : personally?
Lundquist : Yeah. From the tone of the note, I don’t think
they’re too close…
Lundquist : Where did Crisp go to school again?
Lundquist : (And he might be trying to play down how well he
knows her in that note, since he’s supposed to be
Lundquist : Iron Shirt…
Lundquist : But considering how little he disguised his writing
SGlancy12 : Crisp did undergrad and grad work at UC Berekley, but
got his Doctorate at Columbia in NYC.
Dee : Okay, time for the BIs: Crisp, Metreux, Lin Wei.
Dee : UC Berkeley. Convenient.
Lundquist : He could easlily have met and known Lin Wei
personally. So a double could backfire on us.
Dee : Yep.
SGlancy12 : Metreax has never attended UC Berekley. Just Harvard
and Miskatonic University.
Lundquist : “If this is really Fiona, where did we used to go for
drinks after the rallies?”
Dee : Yep again. We need to keep those two apart.
SGlancy12 : According to Crisps student and criminal records, he
was never involved with campus activism
Lundquist : So, we’ll just have to play it this way: Tell Crisp
Fiona sent us, and he’ll have to trust us.
Lundquist : Tell him nobody else will be trying to contact him
about this… We’re his only chance.
Dee : Well. Let’s get some of this rolling. First, BI
reports on those three. Especially
Dee : personal info on Crisp.
Dee : Then, we need to develop personnel lists from
Lundquist : He should be so eager to do something, anything, that
his paranoia will take a back seat to his
Lundquist : desire to act. I hope.
SGlancy12 : Crisp and Lin Wei were at Berekly at the same time.
Dee : Right.
SGlancy12 : In fact the lab she broke to free the lab animals was
one he was working at.
SGlancy12 : Crisp was never implicated, buy Wei and three others
were convicted of burgulary.
Dee : Oho, interesting.
Dee : Also, we have paperwork from ABC world-wide, I think:
we can see if we can single out
Dee : personnel listed as Security, and get photos to check
out those two we met.
SGlancy12 : ABC employment records will reveal that the two goons
you saw at the casino are not on ABC’s
SGlancy12 : payroll.
Dee : Nuts.
SGlancy12 : By the way, Metreax is a naturalized US citizen. She
SGlancy12 : is originally from Haiti.
Dee : Okay.
Lundquist : I wonder how far up the chain at ABC all this goes?
It could be someone like Metreaux working by
Lundquist : herself…
Dee : Could be. No way to tell, without talking to Crisp.
Dee : How long until Wendell arrives?
SGlancy12 : He’ll be here today, or rather, he’ll be in Great
Dee : Right. I’ll plan to meet him.
Dee : Meantime, Lundquist, do you want to slap together
that subpoena?
Dee : Heck, we don’t need to make it from somebody he
actually knew.
SGlancy12 : I’m assuming it’s 8am on 08/27/97 now. His plane
lands at 2:30pm
Dee : Might be best if it’s from a total stranger–he won’t
have any way of calling to check it
Dee : out.
Lundquist : Yeah, good idea. I’ll draw it up.
Dee : But we need to know how long he was in Pittsburgh–to
know where it should be from.
SGlancy12 : Why don’t we send the absent Mr. Gindle/Col. Black to
get Wendell?
Lundquist : How about making it from Fiona Lin Wei?
Lundquist : That should get his attention!
Dee : Hmmm… yeah, but we have the problem of him getting
a panic and contacting her.
Dee : Ack, Philiadelphia? Sorry.
SGlancy12 : Maybe Crisp already contacted LinWei?
Lundquist : Oh, yeah… Maybe.
SGlancy12 : How can we tell?
Dee : Ummm.
Lundquist : Call her and ask?
Dee : I left those bugs in her apartment, but we didn’t
arrange for them to be monitored.
Lundquist : Doh!
SGlancy12 : They’re just sitting there dormant.
Dee : We can get Drake to sit somebody on them.
Dee : In fact, we need to, once we approach Crisp.
SGlancy12 : Yep, Drake can get Baldwin to do it.
Dee : Okay. So, we need a courier.
Dee : I like the possibility of using a CIA courier,
myself. They’re used to not asking questions
Dee : A Deputy Marshal might be less willing to play along.
SGlancy12 : Okay, who makes the call to get the courier, Drake?
Lundquist : We could also contact Detective Wallace Red Crow, and
try to track down Iron Shirt. We might want
Lundquist : to establish the extent of his contact with Crisp,
find out if there’s some reason why Crisp chose him
Lundquist : as the sender of his package,
Dee : Yeah, Drake’s The Man… but if he can’t arrange for
a courier, then I’ll try myself.
SGlancy12 : By the way, if the courier can’t make “personal
service” on Crisp in Philli, then what?
SGlancy12 : I mean, sending a courier to Philli when Crisp’s in
Dee : Ummm… hmm, an interesting point. Is Crisp’s
presence here a secret?
Dee : If a courier showed up knowing Crisp was nowhere near
Philadelphia, would they go apeshit?
SGlancy12 : He is still listed on ABC public records as working
in Philli.
Dee : Crap.
Dee : Looking at the Red Crow angle, Lundquist: what’s the
detective’s story again?
Dee : Do we have any reason to think he’d cooperate?
Lundquist : We got his name from our corrupt councilman.
Dee : Oh, I never heard what happened with that.
Lundquist : He’s supposed to cooperate wth us.
Dee : Is Rattler playing ball to our satisfaction?
SGlancy12 : He gave you his # and Red Crow’s name? What more have
you asked for?
Lundquist : Rattler gave us Red Crow’s name, and told us he’d
cooperate with us.
Dee : Good enough, okay.
Dee : So, yeah, we could see what Red Crow knows about
Dee : And Iron Shirt.
SGlancy12 : Do you want to try Red Crow or call Drake for the
courier and to have the bugs activated?
Dee : When Wendell gets here, we can sit him on the phone
lines to tap the facility.
Dee : The bugs, yeah. I think the courier idea needs to
wait. It would give away that something
Dee : unsual is up and that people know Crisp is here.
SGlancy12 : He’ll be at Great Falls by 2:30pm and if Black goes
to get him, he’ll be here by 5pm.
Dee : Right. Meantime, let’s meet with the detective.
Dee : Cool, Lundquist?
SGlancy12 : Okay, in that case Drake has put Baldwin on the bugs.
Dee : Good.
SGlancy12 : Did you just bug the apartment or the magazine office
Dee : I think I put one at Lin Wei’s desk in the office.
SGlancy12 : Okay. I’ll buy that.
Dee : And two in her apartment.
SGlancy12 : No probelm. they’ll be up and running in an hour or
Dee : Outstanding.
SGlancy12 : Now, whose going to visit with the Detective?
Dee : All right. I’ll let Lundquist come up with our cover
story in talking to Red Crow.
Dee : We can both go, I guess, but he’ll do most of the
SGlancy12 : That US Attorney ID will come in handy.
Dee : Are we going fairly straightforward? An asst. US
Attorney and a federal agent on a legit
Dee : investigation?
SGlancy12 : Mr. Lundquist?
Lundquist : Cool by me.
Dee : Oh, another thing we can put Black on: check out the
imm and geographical records
Dee : for the other former informants in the Rez, to see
who is still around
Dee : so we can have a ready back-up if Rattler falls
SGlancy12 : Okay then, who drives which vehicle? Black in the RV,
you guys in the Explorer?
Dee : That arrangement looks right.
Lundquist : If we tell him to keep this under his hat because
there’s an ongoing investigation, he should be
Lundquist : willing to do so,
SGlancy12 : Okay, Black will pull those records.
Dee : I’ll put on the boring dark grey federal guy suit.
Lundquist : Nice suit, Dee!
Dee : “Thanks. Just something I scrounged up.”
SGlancy12 : Okay, then, you guys motor up to the Rez Police
Department’s offices. Its a small facility
Lundquist : I
SGlancy12 : with a jail built into it.
SGlancy12 : Only one story, with a very tall radio tower
Dee : Dee keeps his eyes open on the way. Attention is
unavoidable, but he wants to note anyone
Dee : who reacts unusually.
SGlancy12 : Browing is a very small town.
Dee : Wide sunglasses on, too.
Lundquist : I too am wearing sunglasses.
SGlancy12 : Dusty streets. The occassional dog runnning loose.
Dee : I might have tried a disguise, even, but I put those
points on languages. 😉
SGlancy12 : Not much vehicular traffic off US 2.
SGlancy12 : The Police station awaits.
Dee : When we pull up, I exit and head inside the building
Dee : Not lingering outside to be observed longer than
Dee : Even if it is slow here, no reason to take chances.
SGlancy12 : A elderly indian woman is the receptionist.
Lundquist : “Hello there. I’m looking for Detective Red Crow.”
Dee : I keep silent, deadpan, let Lundquist talk.
SGlancy12 : “Yes sir, who may I say is looking for him?”
Lundquist : “My name is Lundquist.”
SGlancy12 : “Are you expected?”
Lundquist : “Yes.”
SGlancy12 : She picks up a phone and dials an extension.
SGlancy12 : After giving the info you gave her, she replaces the
reciever, “He’ll be right out.”
Dee : Brief nod.
Lundquist : “Thank you.”
SGlancy12 : Det. Red Crow appears a few seconds later. He dresses
in Denim jeans & jacket, cowboy boots
SGlancy12 : and hat. His clothes appear very well-worn.
Lundquist : “Good morning, Detective.”
SGlancy12 : “Mebee I c’n speak with you fellers out front?” He
says glancing at the receptionist.
Lundquist : “That’d be fine.”
Dee : Dee follows silently.
SGlancy12 : He walks out to the side walk and then starts around
the side of the police station.
Lundquist : I’ll follow a short distance behind. Is anyone else
out here? Are there other structures nearby?
SGlancy12 : He stops walking when he’s behind the police vehicle
maintainence gargage.
Dee : I look at the surroundings critically, checking for
possible observers.
Lundquist : Me too.
SGlancy12 : There’s a couple of old congers walking the street,
but that’s all.
SGlancy12 : Neither of you spot any hidden observers.
Dee : I can take em if we need to. 😉
Lundquist : Okay, I’ll turn to Red Crow. “My name is Lundquist.
I’m a Federal Attorney. We’re currently
Lundquist : conducting an investigation, and I was told you might
be able to supply us with some information.”
SGlancy12 : “I can, but I needtaknow why’s this gotta be so
Dee : (nature calls, be right back, carry on…)
Lundquist : Pizza guy just got here… Hold on!
SGlancy12 : ….Still waiting.
Lundquist : OK, sorry about that… “Well, Detective, I’m sure I
don’t need to tell you that at times, when
Lundquist : criminal investigations are underway, that secrecy
must be maintained.”
SGlancy12 : “I just knew you were gonna say something like that.”
Lundquist : I’ll smile at that.
SGlancy12 : “Okay, James Bond, as a favor to David Bird Rattler I
can give you a few minutes.
Lundquist : “We were hoping you could tell us about someone who
lives in these parts… A Mr Thomas Iron Shirt.”
SGlancy12 : “He said you were asking about Thomas Iron Shirt.”
SGlancy12 : “I can tell you alot. Thomas is a real piece of shit.
A theif, a break in artist. . .
SGlancy12 : “He’s a father three times over that I know of for
sure. Never married any of the girls . .
SGlancy12 : “I put him away as a Juevenille for Burgulary and
grand theft. He was stealing John Deere
SGlancy12 : stuff near Cut Bank and selling it in Browning.”
Dee : Dee’s still keeping quiet, listening, looking around
Lundquist : “Sounds like a real swell guy. How well do you know
him, personally?”
Lundquist : “Have you ever arrested him?”
SGlancy12 : “Yeah I’ve arrested him four times.”
SGlancy12 : “He was even stupid enough to kick me in the balls
the first time.”
SGlancy12 : “Never made that mistake again.”
Lundquist : “Heh heh. I hate it when they ‘fall down’! Do you
know where we could find him now?”
Dee : (Lundquist, did you ask Rattler about ABC–how he
regards it, how Red Crow regards it?)
SGlancy12 : No. As a matter of fact I’ve been turning the Rez
upside down for him for almost 2 months.
SGlancy12 : “I suspected he broke into a local hardware store,
and wanted to question him and his three
SGlancy12 : buddies.
Lundquist : “Interesting. How about accomplices, friends, that
sort of thing? Has he got a lady-friend right
Lundquist : now?”
SGlancy12 : “His girlfriend is around, Lynne Crystal Stone. But
Low Horn and Jacob Left hand are nowhere.
SGlancy12 : They’re parents haven’t seen them since around July
SGlancy12 : Crystal Stone tells the same story. I think they
might have left the Rez for good.
SGlancy12 : But, last I checked, Crystal Stone wasn’t pregnant.
Tommy doesn’t dump his women until afte
SGlancy12 : they get knocked up.
Lundquist : “Yeah, it seems you know them pretty well, and they’d
have a tough time doing anything with you
Lundquist : around. Say, was anything stolen from that hardware
SGlancy12 : “Yeah. A bolt cutter, a ladder, some rope. Some other
things that looked useful to theives.”
SGlancy12 : “stuff they might use to break in someplace else.”
Lundquist : “Hmm. Well, that should be about it. Thanks for
your time, Detective. Oh, wait, there is just one
Lundquist : more thing…”
SGlancy12 : “Yeh?”
Lundquist : (see? I’m Columbo, not James Bond)
Lundquist : “Do you ever have any trouble at that ABC plant out
here? You know, fights or anything, that they’d
Lundquist : call you in for?”
SGlancy12 : “They have their own rent-a-cops out there. Most of
’em used to be our men.”
SGlancy12 : “Tribal police aren’t allowed to set foot out there.”
Lundquist : “Really. Do you have any friends among them?”
SGlancy12 : “A couple, or at least I used to.
Lundquist : “You don’t speak to them much anymore?”
SGlancy12 : “Nah. They moved away. ”
Lundquist : “To where?”
SGlancy12 : “Four guys and their families all pulled up stakes
and took off to Philladelphia. Said ABC
SGlancy12 : had a better job for ’em out there.”
SGlancy12 : They just left last month. Had to be just after the
July 4th weekend.”
Lundquist : “Interesting… Dee? Do you have any questions for
the Detective?
Dee : Thinking for a moment.
Dee : “Detective, how many of your former men are still
around at ABC?”
SGlancy12 : “There’s about eight.”
Lundquist : “Do you ever see any of them?”
Dee : “And are you close to any of them? Or were you
Dee : I take off the sunglasses as I’m talking to him.
SGlancy12 : “Now and again I see them. What’s this got to do with
Iron Shirt?”
Dee : “Might be nothing. But it sounds like Iron Shirt and
your old friends left town about the
Dee : same time, around July 4th.”
Lundquist : “Did he know any of these former cops of yours? Did
they know who he was?”
SGlancy12 : “Tommy was about as close as we get to organized
crime around here.”
SGlancy12 : “I think the guys may have known him.”
Lundquist : “Any chance he was friends with any of them?”
SGlancy12 : “You think there’s a connection between the security
guards moving and Tommy taking off?”
SGlancy12 : “No way. None of they guys I knew would have put up
with the little shit.”
Dee : Shrug. “Maybe a connection, maybe not. We’d know
more if we could talk to them, though.”
SGlancy12 : “I’ve got a few phone numbers and new addresses.”
Dee : “That would be very helpful. First, though, I’d like
to hear your opinion, Detective…
Dee : “What do you think of ABC?”
SGlancy12 : Det. Red Crow glances around first.
Lundquist : Heh heh.
SGlancy12 : “I think they’re a buncha assholes.”
SGlancy12 : “They promised money and jobs, we got neither.”
Dee : “What about the Council? Do many feel the same as
Lundquist : “Yeah, it looks like some of them did all right…”
SGlancy12 : “Except for a few opportunists on the Tribal council,
nobody else got any money.”
Dee : “Did Mr. Rattler get any money?”
SGlancy12 : “They must be paying pretty good. Most of ’em got new
cars, new homes and expensive toys
SGlancy12 : like that after ABC moved in.
Dee : Dee nods as he listens.
SGlancy12 : Bird Rattler? No. He’s always been well off, at least
since the late 70s when they found oil
SGlancy12 : on his land. He lives off the oil lease revenue.
SGlancy12 : “I’m not sure if he took any money. But he didn’t put
up too much of a fight either.”
Dee : “I see. Well, Detective. Thank you for being
candid. This investigation might not turn up
Dee : anything about ABC. But if it does, it will help us
to know that they aren’t invulnerable.”
SGlancy12 : “Hey, that Crystal Stone girl works out there at the
plant, you know.”
Lundquist : “Yeah, we knew that… Do you have a home address for
Dee : “Does she? What does she do there?”
Dee : Oops.
Lundquist : (Doh!)
SGlancy12 : “She just started working nights as part of the
janitorial staff.”
Lundquist : “Bill, that’s the Lynne Crystal Stone girl,
remember?” Nudge nudge.
SGlancy12 : “You knew that?”
Lundquist : “Yes.”
Lundquist : “Why?”
Dee : Dee glances at Lundquist questioningly, then nods.
“Right, right.”
SGlancy12 : “Well, it just seems odd to me now that you’ve made
the connection to ABC.”
SGlancy12 : “She started working out there not too long after
Tommy vanished.”
Lundquist : “I see.”
Lundquist : “We’re looking for Mr Iron Shirt, and his known
acqaintance works for ABC… What’s so odd about
Lundquist : that connection?
SGlancy12 : “I just hadn’t though about how close together his
disappearance, the guards getting
SGlancy12 : assigned and her going to work there were. It was all
the begining of July.
Lundquist : “Does that suggest anything to you?”
SGlancy12 : No, but, those four guards weren’t the only people to
get reassigned to better paying jobs.
Lundquist : “Who else did?”
SGlancy12 : There were at least six others who worked
maintainence and production who left around the
SGlancy12 : same time.”
Dee : “Did you talk to them before they moved? How sudden
was the news?”
SGlancy12 : “There was a big round of hiring at ABC that second
week of July. Lotsa folks got hired.
SGlancy12 : “The move was very sudden. I only got to talk with
Leon Heavy Runner. He was a ex-cop/guard,
Lundquist : “Oh. I see.:
Dee : “Was Mr. Heavy Runner happy with the promotion?”
SGlancy12 : “Everyone else was gone so fast I heard about the
moves from their friends & family later.
SGlancy12 : “He was glad to be getting out of here. He looked
tense, but I figured he was just nervous
SGlancy12 : about moving to a big city.”
Dee : “Moving someplace new, yes.”
Dee : Dee pulls a small notepad from his coat pocket and
clicks his pen.
SGlancy12 : “Are you guys EPA?”
Dee : “Detective, could you give me the names we discussed?
Your people employed with ABC?”
Dee : I glance at Lundquist, allowing him to respond.
Lundquist : “No, why?”
SGlancy12 : “Just wondering about your interest in ABC.”
SGlancy12 : He gives you the names of everyone he knows who works
at ABC.
Dee : “Like I said, it may be nothing. But if they are
involved, it complicates things.”
Dee : “Best to be thorough.”
Lundquist : “Well, I can tell you this much, Detective…
Lundquist : “I think you’re right about Iron Shirt leaving the
Lundquist : “In fact, it looks as if he’s set up shop in a new
area now.
Dee : Dee records the names carefully.
Lundquist : “There have been some break-ins that match his crew’s
MO, and we’re anxious to see that he is
Lundquist : apprehended as soon as possible.”
SGlancy12 : “Where’d these break ins happen?”
Lundquist : “East of here. Well, we’ve got to get going. Thanks
again for your time.”
Dee : “One other thing, though…”
SGlancy12 : “Uh-huh.”
Dee : “Detective, the people on this list. Would you
consider any of them trustworthy?”
SGlancy12 : “Trustworthy? In what way?”
Dee : “In case we need to question them about American
Bio-Carb. If there is something there to
Dee : look into.”
Dee : Amalgamated, not American. 😛
SGlancy12 : “I dunno. I’m not sure just how bought and paid for
they are. The pay at ABC is three times
SGlancy12 : the salary they got as cops.”
Dee : “That is a strong incentive to keep quiet. Well,
thank you, Detective. Of course, we hope
Dee : you will keep this interview to yourself for the time
SGlancy12 : “For the time being . . . sure.”
Lundquist : “So your department polices the whole rez, huh?”
SGlancy12 : “Yep.”
Dee : Dee puts his pad and pen back into his pocket and
steps back, waiting for Lundquist.
Dee : The sunglasses go back on.
Lundquist : “Busy out here? For you guys, I mean?”
SGlancy12 : “Not especially. Break ins dropped off since Tommy
took off.”
Dee : (Oh, Scott–did he indicate on that list which of
them were transferred out?)
SGlancy12 : (Yes he did)
Lundquist : “Heh. How many people do you have on strength?”
SGlancy12 : “Just over 200.
Lundquist : “I guess you’ve got a lot of land to cover, huh.”
SGlancy12 : “There’s about one officer per 15 square miles.”
Lundquist : “Well, we won’t take up any more of your time. We
appreciate everything, and we appreciate you
Lundquist : keeping quiet about this.
Lundquist : “We’ll let you know when we get Tommy Iron Shirt.”
SGlancy12 : “I won’t hold my breath.”
Lundquist : I’ll just smile. We’ll head back to the car.
SGlancy12 : Okay gents now where to?
Dee : Looking around still–does it look like anyone was
SGlancy12 : No, you detect no survailence.
Dee : Also, when we were inside the office, how was their
security set up?
Dee : Anything fancier than a deadbolt?
SGlancy12 : There was a bullet proof window between the lobby and
the receptionist.
SGlancy12 : The door to the back areas looked pretty sturdy. And
they were burgular alarms on the window
Dee : Gotcha.
Dee : Okay. We need to check up on this list, especially
those who were transferred.
Dee : Are they on the personnel lists for Philly?
Dee : Driving back to the RV while we consider this, I
SGlancy12 : Yes they were. First sent to Philli and then
transfered to twelve different ABC sites.
Dee : Do we have actual home addresses for any of them?
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : All right, I want to verify that. I’ll pick one who
is still in the US.
SGlancy12 : Okay. A security guard or building maintainence?
Dee : Then I call Drake. “I have a name and address. We
need to verify his existence.”
Dee : Give him the info. “Can we send a spotter?”
SGlancy12 : “I think I can have confirmation within six hours.”
Dee : “Outstanding.” Hang up.
Lundquist : “We’re not going to find Iron Shirt, you know.”
Dee : “I half-suspect Iron Shirt is no longer among the
Lundquist : Here’s a scenario for you: Iron Shirt and his buddies
decide to break in to the ABC plant, hoping
Lundquist : to find all kinds of valuable stuff.
Dee :
Lundquist : Instead, ABC catches them, and either kills them
outright, or uses them as guinea pigs in their little
Lundquist : experiments… Either way, they have to cover up
what was done, so they ship a whole slew of locals
Lundquist : out of here. But I doubt they went where ABC says
they did.
Dee : “I think that’s highly plausible.” I want to check
our records for the Rez ABC plant.
Dee : See if Crystal Stone is listed, and if the amount of
her paycheck is listed.
Lundquist : I think we should talk to Lynne Crystal Stone. She
may have overheard something if Iron Shirt was
Lundquist : planning to burglarize ABC.
Dee : “Yeah, we definitely need to meet with Miss Crystal
Stone at our earliest convenience.”
Lundquist : Where does she live?
Dee : “I’d say, after we get Wendell set up on the lines,
we find her.”
Dee : Do I have that info on her from the files?
SGlancy12 : Lynne Crystal Stone was hired July 9th, she’s being
paid $6 an hour to clean toilets.
Dee : Heh heh, so much for a gimme.
Dee : Can we get an address from the ABC records and match
it with the Immuniz. records?
SGlancy12 : Yes, she lives in a trailer here in Browning. Drives
a 1974 AMC Gremlin.
Dee : Good enough.
SGlancy12 : It’s 10am now. Wendell arrives at 5pm. and Crystal
Stone works the 11pm to 7am shift.
Dee : We could get her now. I’d rather approach her at
night, but not early night.
SGlancy12 : What do you do until 5pm then?
Lundquist : Brief Wendell, as much as he “needs to know.”
Dee : Right. Until then, should we roust Lynne?
Lundquist : Oops… that would be _after_ 5, not _until_ 5…
Dee : I dig up our aerial photos and pinpoint Lynne’s
Lundquist : How populated is the area she lives in?
Dee : Does it look like there are other residences there?
Dee : And do our files show others living in her household?
SGlancy12 : There are other trailers.
SGlancy12 : Nope. She apparently lives alone.
Dee : Nuts… do any of the trailers match addresses of our
listed ABC employees?
SGlancy12 : Not near her.
Dee : Um. I can’t think of a way to approach her on the
sneak, with that set up.
SGlancy12 : Nobody said this would be convenient.
Dee : Maybe we could get the Sheriff to call her into his
office for an interview.
SGlancy12 : Or Det. Red Crow?
Dee : Uh, yeah.
Dee : What do you think, Lundquist?
Dee : Bring the detective into it, or risk being observed
by her neighbors?
Lundquist : Maybe… Why not just drop by? I’m not sure we
should bother Red Crow any more.
Dee : Right. And we might turn something up that we won’t
want him to know about.
Dee : All right, let’s roll. We have hours to kill before
our wiretapper arrives.
SGlancy12 : Going to Crystal Stone’s trailer?
Dee : Yep.
Dee : Same suit, sunglasses, blank expression, watchful.
SGlancy12 : Okay. It ain’t much. Just a short little camper
trailer. U could tow it behind the Explorer
Dee : How close are other trailers to it?
SGlancy12 : There’s a trailer on either side, maybe 20 yrds. away
on either side.
Dee : Any signs of people currently around?
SGlancy12 : There’s a dog tied up at the trailer to the right. It
barks as you drive up.
Dee : Fair enough. I get out, look her trailer over. Are
any windows open?
SGlancy12 : There are 3 kids (5-6 years old) playing at the other
SGlancy12 : The windows are open. The A/C unti isn’t running.
Dee : All right. Step up to the front door and knock
Lundquist : Keeping an eye out for observers.
SGlancy12 : No answer.
Dee : Knock again.
SGlancy12 : Groggily . . . “What?!!”
Lundquist : Hey, Dee… She works nights, remember?
Lundquist : “Uh, hello?”
Dee : Yeah. “Miss Crystal Stone, this is Edward Simmons
from Amalgamated Bio-Carb.”
Dee : “Can we speak for a moment, please?”
Dee : I look back at Lundquist. “Jeffries, do you have the
SGlancy12 : “Yeah? Uh- One sec okay? I was sleeping.” Sounds
100% awake & a little scared.
Dee : “Certainly, Miss Stone.”
SGlancy12 : You two can hear bumbling around inside.
Dee : I softly try the doorlatch to see if it is locked.
SGlancy12 : Yes.
Dee : “Miss Crystal Stone? We just have some papers for you
to sign. It will only take a moment.”
SGlancy12 : She opens the door. She’s young maybe 18?, very very
pretty, & wears a tshirt & cut offs.
SGlancy12 : “What papers?”
SGlancy12 : “Is there a problem?”
Dee : Dee smiles and steps inside. “Mister Jeffries has
the paperwork, Miss Crystal Stone.”
Dee : “There’s no problem. It’s getting hot already out
here. Do you have any water?”
SGlancy12 : “Uh, yeah. Come in, why don’t you?” she snorts
Lundquist : I follow Dee in.
Dee : “Thanks.” I step in, still smiling. Glance around
at the place.
SGlancy12 : She goes to the fridge and gets a pitcher of water
and a glass.
Dee : Are there any signs that somebody else might be here?
SGlancy12 : Its messy. But not squalid. There are no men’s briefs
hanging around.
Dee : Heh.
Lundquist : I’m smiling a lot too.
SGlancy12 : She hands you the glass of water and puts her hands
on her hips.
SGlancy12 : “Well, what papers?”
Dee : “Mister Jeffries can go over the details with you,
Miss Crystal Stone.”
Lundquist : (Uh, I can?)
Dee : I pull my notepad out and pen, and write a brief
message in a large neat hand.
SGlancy12 : She turns to Lundquist, “I still dont understand.”
SGlancy12 : “What are you guys talking about?”
Lundquist : “Well, it’s like this, Miss. We’re conducting a
routine inverviewing process of all our regional
Lundquist : employee base. We won’t take much of your time.”
I’m trying to see what Dee is writing…
Dee : I fold the notepad back up after writing.
Dee : Before that, Lundquist can see what it is:
Dee : But like I said, I fold it up without showing it to
SGlancy12 : “So what kind of interview?”
Dee : “Miss Crystal Stone, we have a couple of questions to
ask you. Do you mind if we step
Dee : out to the porch?”
Lundquist : “Yeah.
SGlancy12 : “I think I’d prefer it.”
SGlancy12 : The three of you step outside.
Dee : I close the door to the trailer, if she didn’t
already, as we step out.
SGlancy12 : “What kinda interview is this? Who are you guys?”
Dee : In a low voice: “Miss Crystal Stone, we do have some
questions for you.”
Dee : “It is very important that you keep quiet and answer
SGlancy12 : “Okay . . .” hesitantly.
Dee : “I want to review what you know about Thomas Low
SGlancy12 : “I don’t know a Thomas Low Horn.”
Dee : I keep a friendly demeanor, but watch her reaction
Dee : “Now, now. Everyone knows that’s not true. Even if
you needed to lie, that wouldn’t work.”
SGlancy12 : She seems confused. As if she thought you were going
to ask for a different name.
Dee : (Did I screw up? Yeah, I did, didn’t I. Nuts.)
SGlancy12 : “I don’t know a Thomas Low Horn. I used to know a
Charles Low Horn.”
Dee : I smile cryptically. “Very good. When was the last
time you saw him?”
SGlancy12 : “uh, well, I didn’t know him very well.” (Lundquist:
Psych roll says LIAR)
Dee : “Is that right? Well, you did know Thomas Iron Shirt.
Perhaps you could say more about him.”
Lundquist : “We already know you did, Ms Stone. Can we dispense
with the falsehoods?”
SGlancy12 : “I, uh, I think you two should leave or I’ll call the
SGlancy12 : (She seems really freaked out.”
Lundquist : “That’s not a good idea, Ms Crystal Stone.”
Dee : “No need for that, Miss Crystal Stone. You aren’t in
Dee : “But we do need to talk about Thomas Iron Shirt and
Charles Low Horn.”
SGlancy12 : “Yeah, right! You get the hell out of here! And I
quit too! I’m not coming in to work!”
SGlancy12 : She turns to go back inside.
Lundquist : “Wait a minute, Ms Crystal Stone. We’re not from
SGlancy12 : “But you said . . . who the hell are you?”
Dee : Dee looks around impatiently.
Lundquist : “We’re investigating Thomas Iron Shirt. It’s very
important that we find him, for his sake.”
SGlancy12 : She looks you up and down. “What are you? The Men in
Lundquist : I laugh. “No miss. We’re investigators.”
SGlancy12 : “You look like . . . I dunno. FBI?”
Dee : (Hey, I wonder if Drake can get us one of those
memory-wiper gadgets…)
SGlancy12 : lol
SGlancy12 : Only if you were playing Conspiracy X.
Dee : I glance at Lundquist, with a look to suggest:
“Should we tell her more?”
Lundquist : “We’re not FBI. We’re just trying to locate Tommy.”
Lundquist : “We believe he may be in danger.”
SGlancy12 : “Me too,” she says absently.
Lundquist : “He was a criminal, a thief, wasn’t he? We already
know that.”
SGlancy12 : “Yeah, well there ain’t much else to do around here
when your dad’s an alchohic.”
Lundquist : “This is very important, Ms Crystal Stone… Was he
planning to burglarize the big ABC plant here?”
SGlancy12 : “Yes. He said we’d have enough $ to go to
Lundquist : “And he and his friends decided to go around the
Fourth of July, right?”
SGlancy12 : “Yes. He and Chalie and Jacob drove out there in
Charles’s truck.”
Dee : “But they got caught.”
SGlancy12 : “I think so. I went out there the next morning when
they didn’t come back.”
Lundquist : “Did you see Charles’ truck?
SGlancy12 : “It was parked outside the fences. There were
security guards around the truck.”
Lundquist : I look at Dee. “Why did you get the job out there?”
SGlancy12 : “Well, when they didn’t turn him over to the cops I
started to worry.
SGlancy12 : “Maybe they killed him and covered it up, or maybe
they were keeping him locked up?”
Lundquist : Scott: ABC looks to be guilty of kidnapping, right? I
mean, holding Iron Shirt & co is definitely
Lundquist : illegal… Don’t we have enough to make a move
against them right now?
SGlancy12 : (That’s a Federal charge bucko!)
Lundquist : And if not us, certainly the Tribal Police… If
Lynne testifies…
SGlancy12 : (You have circumstancial evidence. It may be enough
for a search warrant?”
Lundquist : And I bet that’d be enough…
Dee : “You’ve been there for a while now. Have you changed
your mind?”
SGlancy12 : “No. Something weird happened that night. In the
morning I also saw men in Space suits
SGlancy12 : walking around outside the plant.”
Dee : Look narrowly at her. “What happened that night?”
SGlancy12 : “I mean the night Tommy broke into the plant.”
Lundquist : “Yes.”
Dee : “Yes. What happened that night that was weird?”
SGlancy12 : “The men in space suits were spraying one of the
production units with this thick foam”
SGlancy12 : “I don’t know what it was.”
Dee : “You saw this that night? Or the next morning?”
SGlancy12 : “In the morning.”
Lundquist : “What color were their space suits?’
SGlancy12 : “They were blue. Then the company sent everyone who
worked that shift that night away to new
SGlancy12 : jobs.”
Dee : “Is that why you say something weird happened that
night? Did you see something else?”
SGlancy12 : “Yeah, that’s what I mean. Some of the folks I worked
with think there was a chemical spill
SGlancy12 : in the Sapphire Production unit. They shut it down
for about four weeks after July 4th.”
Lundquist : “What’s a production unit? Is it one of the four
bunkers at the facility?”
SGlancy12 : “Yes it is. The Sapphire Unit is the North West
bunker. Nobody was allowed in until August.”
Dee : Dee nods slowly. “Well, I think we can find Thomas.
But we’ll need your help, Miss Stone.”
SGlancy12 : “Do you think he’s alive?”
Dee : “Yes, I think so. But we’ll need your help to make
sure, and to bring him out.”
SGlancy12 : “What would you want me to do?”
Dee : “First, we need you to tell us more about the
SGlancy12 : “I can tell you what I know.”
Lundquist : “You’d have to come with us. It might not be safe for
you to stay around here for a little while.”
Lundquist : “The people holding Tommy don’t want you to talk to
Dee : Dee looks at Lundquist. “She has access to Crisp.”
Lundquist : “You know Dr Crisp?”
SGlancy12 : “No, I don’t think so. I work the midnight shift.
When does he work?”
Lundquist : “Nevermind. Do you know a tall guy, mid 20’s,
glasses, blonde hair?”
Lundquist : “He’s a scientist.”
SGlancy12 : “Uh, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone like that.”
Lundquist : “What about another scientist, a black woman with an
accent? Have you seen her?”
SGlancy12 : “Yes I have!”
Lundquist : “Tell us about her.”
SGlancy12 : “Kinda heavy set. Short hair. She sounds like a
reggae singer. I’ve heard her talking to
SGlancy12 : herself when she’s wandering around in the middle of
the night.”
Dee : “Talking to herself? Did you ever hear what she
Lundquist : Scott, I’m stepping a few feet away and calling
SGlancy12 : “She just mutters about chemicals and stuff.”
SGlancy12 : Okay, the call to Drake is on the way.
Lundquist : “Did you ever see the guard dogs on the site?” I call
over to her.
SGlancy12 : “Yeah. I have.”
Lundquist : “Ever notice anything funny about them?”
SGlancy12 : “No. They’re just mean as hell.”
Dee : “What areas are you responsible for cleaning at the
SGlancy12 : I clean the offices in the main administration
building. The halls and the cafeteria.
SGlancy12 : “Stuff like that.’
Dee : “Not the residence halls?”
SGlancy12 : “No. But I know who does.”
Dee : “Who would that be?”
SGlancy12 : “Some of the girls on the day shift clean the
residences. Usually they’re out of the
SGlancy12 : apartments during the day.”
Dee : “Do you think one of them might do you a favor, if
you asked?”
SGlancy12 : Crystal Stone: “I don’t know. But I could ask.”
Lundquist : Is Drake answering?
SGlancy12 : “Drake here.”
Lundquist : “Drake, it’s Lundquist. I need to arrange protection
for a witness as soon as possible. She
Lundquist : may be in danger.”
SGlancy12 : Drake: “What kind of protection are we talking
Lundquist : “We need to put her up someplace anonymous and
secure, preferably with a guard. Getting her some-
Lundquist : where out of town may be enough.
Lundquist : “Could we arrange something with the US Marshalls as
a witness protection thing?”
SGlancy12 : Drake: “I’ll see if we have any friendlies, agents or
inactives in Montana.”
Lundquist : “Away from Montana might be better…”
SGlancy12 : Drake: “You want here back here in Berekley?”
Lundquist : “I’m not too picky. But she might have to testify,
and I want to keep her alive long enough to do so.
SGlancy12 : “Maybe I could put her up with Fulani. Best to keep
this as closed as possible.”
Lundquist : “Your call. But it looks like the persons
responsible have already killed several people to
Lundquist : cover up their activities.” Keeping this quiet so
Lynne can’t hear it…
SGlancy12 : “Hmm? Gimme a minute. I may have a safehouse that’s
not in use. I’ll call back.”
Lundquist : “Right.” Hang up.
Dee : “Give us a moment, ma’am.” I step over to Lundquist.
Lundquist : “Could you quickly pack a few thing, Ms Crystal
Stone? I think we’d better move away from here.”
Lundquist : “What’d you need, Dee?”
Dee : Quietly: “What do you think? Search under a
kidnapping warrant?”
Lundquist : “Yeah. With her testimony, we should easily get a
warrant. And then… Well, it’d be illegal to
Lundquist : get a warrant for one thing when we really want to
find something else, buuut…”
SGlancy12 : “I still need to see some ID. How can I be sure
you’re not ABC goons?”
Dee : I look back at her, then at Lundquist.
Lundquist : “I’m a US Federal Attorney. My name is Lundquist.”
I show her my ID.
SGlancy12 : She’s satisfied with the ID and she starts to pack.
Dee : To Lundquist: “I’m not worried about that. I’m
worried about getting manpower for it…
Dee : “…without compromising compartmental security.”
Still in a low voice.
Lundquist : “We’ll have to think of something.”
Dee : Nod.
Dee : “I also would rather get a crack at Crisp before we
launch a raid. He could tell us what
Dee : to expect. Better than going in blind.”
Lundquist : “Yes, we should definitely talk to Crisp first.”
Lundquist : “I’m sure he knows what happened to Iron Shirt and
his cronies.”
Dee : “Maybe get a friend of hers to drop a note in his
Lundquist : “That’s a good idea… More subtle than the
Lundquist : “I mean subpoena.”
Dee : “Right. Saves us the hassle of explaining how anyone
knew where to find him, too.”
Dee : “All right, that’s a plan, then.” I step up to the
trailer to see that she’s not having
Dee : any trouble or second thoughts.
SGlancy12 : “Nope, she’s stuffing a duffle bag full of underwear
and other essentials.
Dee : Good. What about the neighbors?
SGlancy12 : The dog is barking. The kids throwing clods of dirt
at each other. Nothing else.
Dee : Hmmm. Not much to be done about the kids.
Dee : I just keep an eye on her until she’s ready to go,
Lundquist : I want to look for a tap on her phone.
Dee : Good idea.
Dee : Unscrew the receiver, see if there’s a little goody
SGlancy12 : She’s having a little trouble deciding which CDs to
bring. Nope, no tap on phone interior.
Dee : Screw the phone back together.
Lundquist : What about at the jack, at the wall?
SGlancy12 : Nothing there either. She asks “What are you doing?”
Lundquist : “Just checking your phone.”
Lundquist : ABC probably didn’t know she was close to Iron
Dee : (Yeah, probably not)
Dee : “You ready?”
SGlancy12 : “Let’s go.”
Lundquist : “Okay.” To the Explorer, then.
Dee : Okay, out to the car, start driving.
SGlancy12 : She hops in the back. Where to?
Lundquist : We’ll head back to where we left Black and the RV…
A campground, probably?
Dee : En route I’ll ask for more details on the facility.
Esp. the underground.
SGlancy12 : She can tell you a few details. Not much. She didn’t
have alot of access.
SGlancy12 : Black is due back in four hours with Wendell.
Dee : Sounds good… What about security? Does she see
much of them?
SGlancy12 : Yes. They always are on patrol. Usuallu 8 are on duty
at any given time.
Dee : Actually I think we should take her to Great Falls to
wait for word from Drake.
Dee : Does she think the locals working security are pretty
serious about it? Loyal to the co.?
Lundquist : Works for me. Maybe we can put her on a plane right
SGlancy12 : You can contact Black and have him wait. Wendell’s
plane isn’t due for 2 hours.
Dee : And if she has seen Metreux around, has she seen
others around her regularly?
SGlancy12 : The locals aren’t very loyal.
Lundquist : What sort of weapons has she seen? Anything more
substantial than sidearms?
Lundquist : How many non-locals are there on the security detail?
SGlancy12 : She’s only seen Metreax wandering around by herself.
SGlancy12 : There are about twenty locals, maybe five non-locals,
including the security chief.
SGlancy12 : They have automatic pistols and once in the security
office she saw some shotguns.
Lundquist : “Who’s the security chief? Did you ever meet him or
get his name?”
SGlancy12 : “His name’s Joe Deschiel. He’s new. Came in just
before me.”
Dee : So, next step: Get a friend of hers to drop a note
off to arrange a meet w/Crisp.
Dee : Then: Background on Deschiel, just in case.
Dee : Then: Put Wendell on the phone lines to monitor
selected communications.
Dee : Then: plan the search.
SGlancy12 : Okay. It’s 4:20 and I’ve got to cut this off.
Dee : Okie.
Lundquist : Yeah, I need to get going too… What time next
SGlancy12 : Give me a list of things you want done and I’ll put
togther a set of briefing for each of U.
Lundquist : Can I email that to you in the next day or so?
SGlancy12 : Actually, next week is no good. I’ll be out of town.
Dee : Bummer. When’s the next good time for you, then?
SGlancy12 : You tell me. Weekday? Weekend?
Dee : Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights are set in stone
for me. Otherwise I’m flexible.
Lundquist : Weekend’s probably better, but I could do it one
evening… Anything except Tuesday or Sunday PM.
Lundquist : Wednesday would work for me.
SGlancy12 : What about 9-5 hours?
Lundquist : I work every day except Friday.
Lundquist : And weekends.
Dee : What about Friday, a.m.?
SGlancy12 : Okay by me.
Lundquist : I could do that…
Dee : Cool. Same Cthulhu-time, Same Cthulhu-station?
Lundquist : 1200 Friday? Or earlier?
Lundquist : Or later?
Dee : 1200 Eastern is fine by me.
SGlancy12 : We’ll check with Black, but for now lets shoot for
10/24/97 12 noon.
SGlancy12 : That’s the friday after next.
Dee : Okay.
SGlancy12 : Send me an email list of things to do and things you
want research on.
Lundquist : Good enough. I’ll email you what I want done before
then, probably within the next day or so.
SGlancy12 : I’ll respond as soon as possible.
Dee : Sounds good. See you then!
SGlancy12 : Be seeing You.
Lundquist : Later guys!

Next: Session 4

Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green.